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5 Business Risks in a Hyper-Connected World

Businesses have to look at risks, access the capabilities and install security to prevent attacks or infiltrations. Despite all the good intentions and knowledge of security issues, most businesses are lax with risk management.

5 Wishes Every CEO Wants for the New Year

As a kid, my parents would start to strategically plant the words “naughty” and “nice” beginning in late November. The Santa card was powerful, and they played it early and often.

Rising Health Insurance Costs Are No Small Matter

Health insurance costs are rising and that trend is expected to continue in 2015. This fact is true not only for the individual looking for health insurance coverage but for the small business that must insure its employees. Such businesses must work to remain competitive and keep costs down.

Now is the Time to Step Up Your Game Again!

There’s one strategy that will absolutely change the game once again for your brand and that is positioning your brand. I would hazard to guess that well over 90% of companies have never effectively positioned their brands or even considered it.

7 Legal Issues Your Small Business Should Have Covered

No small business owner likes thinking about their legal needs. But like it or not, the law can have a major impact on your small business. From protecting your creations against copycats to negotiating the best deals with vendors, getting the legal side right is crucial for your business’s success.

Small Businesses Can Challenge the Big Boys

Remember the story of David and Goliath? Your small business may not have an immediate need to take down a giant corporation that’s like a Goliath, but it would be nice to know your small company presents some kind of challenge.

5 Things Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Contracts

No matter the industry, contracts are essential in business. If you plan to start your own business, you will have contracts with clients, employees, and third party entities in order to protect your company and agree on terms and services.

Is Your Health Insurance Expected to Spike in 2015?

As the New Year’s bells toll—are your resolutions made? What about your responsibilities if you’re a small business owner? Are your budgets set, changes made, numbers calculated?

Creating and Implementing a Safety Program

Creating a safety program for your workplace can be an overwhelming task. It can seem like there are innumerable ways employees can hurt themselves—and just as many OSHA regulations to prevent injuries from happening. Where do you start and how do you know where to go?

Customer Service Strategy: To Serve and Protect

In order to protect the client, you would put their interests first. Your main goal would be to sell them what they need, not what costs the most or what will help you to meet your sales goals.

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