Run and Grow
Who Cares About Customer Loyalty?
Repeat customers, raving fans, angry backlashers, commodity shoppers. Oh boy, what a range of loyalty these represent. And in your years, you may have experienced all of these. Here’s another way to look at the…
Top 5 Interview Questions to Really Get to Know Your Candidates
In general, interviews only last between 30-45 minutes, so you have a relatively short period of time to find out about your candidates and make a decision on who to hire. The wrong hiring decision…
Should You Pay Employees Hourly or a Salary?
If you currently employ W-2 workers in your small business, or you are looking to hire top talent in the future, you’ll likely be faced with the decision on whether to pay employees an hourly…
Don’t Neglect These Trademark Basics to Protect Your Product
When it comes to intellectual property, protection is more than just in a name. Trademarks are anything that can indicate to consumers that a product originates from a specific source. Brand names and slogans are…
What Wedding Photography Can Teach You About Business Agility
All businesses share certain qualities, but you might be surprised that wedding photography covers a wide range of similarities to most small businesses. A full calendar, strong social skills, uncertain finances, cutthroat competition and expensive,…
The Value of Feedback: How Talking to Customers Can Drive Innovation
As an entrepreneur, seeing your product gain traction for the first time is a rush. The early years of ContextMedia were some of the most exciting. During the summer of 2006, as rising juniors in…
A Year-End Customer Service Inventory: 5 Questions to Ponder
As we approach the end of the year and look forward to the next year of serving our customers and building profits, the following self-inventory will build our success: Are we becoming more or less…
9 Surefire Ways to Make Your Customers Happy
There is an oft-told legend about how Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos likes to make sure there is an empty chair at every company meeting: the chair represents the customers, so the most important ‘person’ is…
3 Obstacles Recruiters Should Avoid to Attract the Best Talent
Good recruiters define a successful recruitment process as one that brings talent to the table. Great recruiters know how to bring that talent to the table. So, how do you make good recruiters great? Lucky…
Are You Delivering Your Desired Brand Experiences?
One of the key indicators of branding success is how customers experience your brand. If their brand experiences don’t match your brand promises, the disconnect can truly hurt the brand and the organization’s ability to reach its strategic…