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Run and Grow

When Does Your Startup Need a Legal Department?

After years of working with different law firms on a variety of business matters, it was time to stop and ask myself: Just how many lawyers does it take before hiring one in-house? I didn’t…

Small Biz Interviews: Groomed for Success

The repertoire of a barber might have changed over the centuries (they no longer, for instance, offer bloodletting and leeching services, as they did in the Middle Ages), but a couple things have stood the…

One Thing You Must Do Every Time Your Business Grows 50%

I hear it all the time… Small business owners are frustrated with their businesses and they don’t know where or how to start. You got into business because you had an idea, a passion for…

Shhh, We’re Secret Shopping!

If there’s one marketing tactic that we execute for clients that always yields incredible results, it’s when we secret shop their operation. Without exception, a secret shopping program will: Provide insights that surprise you (good…

5 Pros and Cons of Specializing in Your Industry

Your company can choose to do it all. It can handle every responsibility. However, the less your business chooses to specialize, the fewer advantages your business will receive from specialization. There are several pros and…

6 Tips for Being Fascinated, Not Frustrated in 2017

2017 is your year—not just for health and productivity, but also for happiness and growth! We’ve got a few resolution ideas to ensure you keep a positive perspective as challenges arise throughout the year. 1. Stay…

Small Biz Interviews: Half a Century at the Drive-In

Dick’s Drive-In is no flash in the proverbial frying pan. A Seattle staple since Dick Spady, Warren Ghormley, and “Tom” Thomas opened their first outpost in 1954, Dick’s has been serving up old fashioned milkshakes,…

6 Essential Steps to a Successful Workplace Investigation

At some point, complaints or internal problems will arise in the workplace. Many HR, compliance and business professionals don’t receive targeted training on how to conduct a workplace investigation from start to finish. Building a…

8 Bad Things You Should Remove From Your Resume Today

Your resume speaks for you. Whether you’re moving to another company or convincing investors to fund your own startup, having a great resume always strikes a chord with recruiters and they look forward to meeting,…

Try These Lean Principles to Boost Productivity

Lean Principles are all about maximizing value, and minimizing waste. The body of thought originated in the manufacturing industry, and is rooted in the principles of the Toyota Production System. It was first described as…

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