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Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

Small business are hard to start and even harder to run. Most small businesses fail in the first year. The most successful small businesses turn into bigger businesses. The owners of those successful businesses often…

4 Questions Bosses Should Ask Their Employees During One-on-One Meetings

As a boss, you have the responsibility to be a leader. Part of being a leader is checking in with individual members of the team. That is because when individual parts of a whole are…

6 Easy Ways Your Business Can Save Money

Maintaining a healthy cash flow is something every business needs to prioritize. It’s not just something we should be looking at come tax time or end of the year either—reviewing smarter ways to save money…

4 Tips for Planning Ahead as You Scale Up Your Business

Nothing stunts the growth of a young business quite like a lack of planning. When my company was in its early days, I often found myself unable to scale as quickly as I wanted to…

5 Effortless Ways Small Business Owners Can Thrive in 2017

Small business owners have it tough. With limited budgets and an inability to command the resources of corporate giants, they need to thrive in an increasingly competitive world. These tips are going to help you…

13 Easy Ways to Be More Productive and More Relaxed

As a small business owner, your time is incredibly valuable, and usually quite limited. You seem to spend hours at your desk tapping away, but sometimes you don’t actually achieve a lot. Here are some…

People Wisdom from Gandhi

In his terrific new book, Reinvent Yourself, prolific author, entrepreneur, blogger, podcaster, and serial reinventor-of-self, James Altucher shares a ton of wisdom. Included are lessons from business titans to historical figures; world-class athletes to top entertainers, and many more….

The Why and How Behind Sustainable Business

Every business relies on some type of resource for its continued operation. That’s just an economic fact. Many resources are domain specific, and only matter to companies that operate in that domain, but there are…

4 Steps to Optimizing Team Strengths for Innovation

Most entrepreneurs I know are individually very innovative, but a successful startup can’t be a one-man show (for long). That means they need to build an innovative team, which is not a skill that most…

Time, Talent, and Treasure: Spending Each Wisely

In the non-profit world, the term “time, talent and treasure” has been used so often it is almost at the edge of being trite. It’s used in that arena to describe a volunteer’s sacrifice in…

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