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Please Learn This: “Noses In, Fingers Out!”

Many of us have someone who reports directly to us and who supervises others in return. If that fits, well then, this one is for you. And it is one of the most important lessons…

The 4 Keys to Developing Core Competencies in Your Leadership

When we talk about leadership in business, we’re not just focused on those at the top of the chain of command. No, for a company to be successful, everyone needs to take a leadership role….

4 Crucial Issues Every Entrepreneur Should Care About

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in what you’re doing on a daily basis. You might forget about some of the social, economic, and environmental issues facing our world, because you’re just…

No (Wo)Man is an Island

John Donne penned a famous poem, No Man Is An Island, as part of his Devotions on Emergent Occasions. Even in 1624, apparently there were problems with silos, self-centeredness, and the behaviors/mentalities that result. We tend…

The UPS Store and Inc. Magazine Salute Small Businesses with a National Pitch Off Contest

SAN DIEGO, April 3, 2018 –The UPS Store, Inc. together with Inc. Magazine, invite entrepreneurs and small business owners from across the country to enter the Small Biz Salute Pitch Off, a contest that will…

Hire a Consultant; Ignore the Advice

At one time or another, most all businesses use consultants to fill the gaps in knowledge or to provide guidance for management. Consultants are good in that you can sample their work with short projects,…

Want to Build a Winning Team? Don’t Ignore These 4 Essential Elements

Why do some companies consistently grow profits and revenues every year and others, seemly in the same type of business, crash and burn? Certainly, there are many factors, including many that are not within our…

Are You Unknowingly Inhibiting Your Team Members from Doing Their Jobs?

Results, results, results: When you’re in a position of leadership, this is probably the thing that occupies your mind and dictates your actions the most. However, as managers and leaders, we are responsible for so…

The 4 People You Meet on the Road to Business Success

No man is an island. It takes a village. Two heads are better than one. The proverbs, adages, and clichés go on and on, but I think you get the idea: in any endeavor, it’s…

5 Simple Steps for Becoming a Healthier Entrepreneur

Following your dreams, branching out and starting your own business is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can experience. That being said, the busy and stressful lifestyle of modern-day entrepreneurs doesn’t leave much…

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