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6 Ways to Boost Your Nonprofit’s Success

Nonprofits are businesses with heart, but they’re businesses just the same. Creating a nonprofit is a labor of love, and it can be a very fulfilling way to live your life, but it can also…

3 Books That Will Transform Your Thinking on Success Habits

Do you ever regret agreeing to something? Maybe you said yes when you should have said “no.” You said yes to a meeting that you knew was going to be a waste of time. It…

Breaking Up in Business: How to Do It Painlessly

As the founder of an online resource specializing in all things marriage (including divorce), I’ve come to learn that business relationships have many parallels to marriage and intimate relationships. They start with enthusiasm and passion, they grow…

Without a Foundation of Research, Product Development Falls Apart

Think about some of your favorite products of all time. Maybe it’s your new pair of noise-canceling headphones. Maybe it’s a favorite skin care product, or a pair of really well-designed insoles for your running…

You Are Watched, Mostly When Decisions Are Tough

If you have been in management or an entrepreneur long enough, you will have experienced the gray area of decision-making where ethics, the law, your needs and expediency all collide. This is the time when…

Handing Off the Reins: 6 Steps to a Viable Succession Plan

When should you create a succession plan for your business? There’s no time like the present. That may not be the answer you were looking for. In fact, many smaller businesses and partnerships don’t consider…

Best Practices for Delegation

Successful delegation becomes possible when operations are consistent, proactive, and, most importantly, when decisions do not only rely on one person’s perspective. The CEO may have started their business, but it takes a team to…

The Importance of Setbacks

Too often, we get caught up in the rush of everyday life. The press of everyday activity, the constant intrusion and interruptions drive what we do. These become standard, we go on autopilot—even as a…

5 Simple Ways to Shoot Your Small Business Up to the Next Level

Owning your own business can be very rewarding, but there usually comes a time when you need to decide whether you want to stay where you are or take it to the next level. Every…

4 Unique Qualities Women Bring to the Workplace

Despite the increase in leadership roles women have taken over the years, their qualifications are still often met with scrutiny and women’s equality is still something people are fighting for. While the reasons behind the…

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