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Morning Success Routines That Will Transform Your Life

As humans we are meant to be creators and makers. It is in our DNA. One of the biggest challenges though is just starting. Beginning. Because things get in the way as the day progresses….

Building a Company Culture with an Emphasis on Employee Happiness

If you google “workplace culture,” you’ll find hundreds of articles and resources on why it’s important, how to build a better culture, and tons of examples of companies that are “doing it right.” But when…

Do You Make Any of These 5 Common Management Mistakes?

Nobody’s perfect. Especially where small businesses are concerned, even the best managers make mistakes. Today, we’re going to talk about the blunders that are made more often than any other—and how you can avoid making…

Are You Thinking of the End Game When Managing Your Business?

Ever think about growing your business with the plan to sell it someday, cashing in on your hard-earned work over the years? Or if you’re an employee with stock options, are you aware of the…

Tips for Working with or Managing Remote Teams

Here at Seer, we are no strangers to working with people around the country. Many of our clients aren’t based in Philly or San Diego, and as we grow our team, many of our employees…

6 Ways to Develop Future Leaders for Your Company

There are various benefits to growing future leaders of your company from within the firm. Some of these advantages include a better understanding of the company’s culture, familiarity with the firm’s operations and the strength…

The Hidden Growth Assets That All Successful Entrepreneurs Need

“We are transitioning to a business economy where your brand is not just about bricks and buildings but bits and bytes” Today your brand is defined by its content online. And the data now measures its…

Workforce Diversity in Construction Improves Productivity and Profits

The construction business gets a bad rap for not being diverse enough. True, the sector may lag behind other industries, but construction companies are beginning to foster a more diverse and inclusive workforce—and earn the returns. The business…

4 Away-Day Ideas to Help Your Team Bond Outside of Work

There’s nothing like a team-building exercise outside of work (and working hours!) to bring your colleagues together, giving everyone the opportunity to unwind and bond in a more social setting. An outing that’s relatively unconnected…

7 Ways Small Businesses Can Compete with Big Brands

In a world saturated by big brands, do not underestimate the potential success of your small business. Smaller companies are often able to tick many boxes prescribed by customers with an opportunity to promote a…

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