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6 Tips on Effective Decision Making in Business

Cognitive biases affect every decision we make. In the world of business people need to make important choices every day. These choices must be made without delay and have broad consequences. How can we make…

How to Get Your Team on Board with Change

Sometimes, you need to shake up the day-to-day operations of your business. Settings and maintaining goals needs to happen frequently in your business, since you need to adapt to market conditions. This all means you…

10 Advanced Tactics to Eliminate the Communication Gap in Your Business

How do you deal with co-workers in a small business setting? It must be quite challenging to be working in a compact workplace where in just one turn you are face to face with a…

Everything You Do Adds or Reduces Company Value

Each decision you make to commit resources—your money or your use of corporate or personal time—affects the future value of your business. Minor decisions, such as replacing employees who have left the company or replacing equipment…

Company Culture: The Secret to Employee Loyalty

If you’re seeing a high employee turnaround in your business, the problem may have something to do with the workplace environment. People are less likely to stay with an organization if they feel unhappy, pressured,…

Strategic Planning for Business Owners

What Is Included In Business Succession Planning? A business owner needs to consider various strategies in order to prepare for the expected and unexpected legal challenges. To do so, the business owner should generally form…

5 Killer Tips to Nail Your Next Presentation

Whether you’re a student preparing for a career, an entrepreneur leading a brand-new business, or a seasoned veteran of a corporate empire, there’s a strong chance you’ll need to give a presentation to others sooner…

The Easy Way to Find Any Email (and Improve Your Inbox Organization)

We’ve all had the experience of losing an important email. You can’t find it in your inbox, in any of the folders you might have put it in, and it doesn’t appear to be in…

Follow These 4 Tips for Staying Motivated and Energized at Work

Coffee, energy drinks, and over-the-counter energy supplements—these morning perks are extremely important to some people. Waking up and heading to the office without them would be disastrous, to the point where it wouldn’t be worth…

What Two Words Are Most Valuable for Your Business Planning?

One of the most valuable tools in an executive’s arsenal is the use of the question chain in planning meetings or to analyze scenarios that might result from an action. The powerful words are “What…

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