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Let Your Board Help with “What” and “Why” but Rarely “How”

I am sure you can argue with this one. Sometimes a board member is valuable in teaching the “how” to get things done inside the company. But experience reinforces the usual fact that a board…

10 Techniques for Enhancing Your Personal Trust Level

One of the first harsh realities that every entrepreneur has to learn is that most of the things that are critical to startup success are outside of their direct control. Just because you dream it…

Ensure Sustainability in the Office with These 7 Steps and Everybody Wins

Once upon a time not that long ago, going green was considered little more than a niche lifestyle choice. Nowadays, we all feel the increasing weight of responsibility of doing our bit to help look…

Does Your Board Give You Good Advice?

This may be news, but boards of directors can offer bad advice. Having served on more than forty boards, I’ve seen such a variety of good and bad advice that my stories could fill a…

CEOs Change the Deeper Meaning of the Ultimate Bottom Line

As I read this morning about the Business Roundtable changing this fundamental principle, I was really glad to see it. It’s about time. Several hundred influential CEOs got together and agreed to revise priorities. The…

3 Internal Communication Trends to Plan for Now

John F. Kennedy said it best, “Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” JFK hit the nail on the head,…

4 Tips for Creating 2-Way Dialogue with All-Hands Meetings

From eye-rolls visible in an open-plan office to sizeable groans behind closed doors, the announcement of an all-hands meeting doesn’t always receive the response you want. In reality, they might be the opposite of what…

4 Innovative Alternatives to Team-Building Exercises That Stimulate Collaboration

No matter what sort of business you run, your workers are going to be the lifeblood of your brand. You need to encourage them to work together in order to reach goals and create a…

Want to Increase Office Recycling? Here Are Your First 7 Steps

Businesses, government agencies, and institutions across the globe are adopting recycling programs in an attempt to promote environmental conservation. These workplaces use a lot of paper and other items that could cause major environmental pollution…

The Secret to Managing Workers with PTSD

Stress in the workplace is common, everyone undergoes some form of stress whether it be trying to hit a deadline, worrying about dealing with a particular customer or facing employees in a meeting. Helping workers…

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