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How to Monitor Remote Employees & Respect Privacy

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a series of unique obstacles for most businesses. During these unprecedented times, companies have been forced to implement remote working and telecommuting measures for the first time. As a result,…

5 Key Areas Where Business Policy Needs To Be Readdressed

For small and large business owners, the business policy is the heart and soul of their brand. Everything rests on their ability to create and implement effective policies in all areas of their business. It’s…

5 Ways to Develop a Stronger Workplace Culture

If you are a business owner, you will find that there is always room for improvement when it comes to a stronger workplace culture and better success for your business. Regardless of whether your business…

How Digital Transformation is Changing Employee Expectations

As technology grows smarter and more critical in the workplace, many things are changing. The concept of digital transformation involves the adoption of digital technologies and their implementation into every area of your business. It…

Workplace Health and Safety – What Are Employees Responsible For

The meaning of workplace health and safety may seem so obvious that it does not require any further explanation. However, when it involves the law, things may not as simple as they seem. In the…

4 Processes of Effective Project Management

When it comes to the field of project management, just about every business, no matter how big or small, has their own path and processes to ensure everything runs smoothly.  Whether a small local business…

Why Does Change Management Sometimes Fail?

We’ve all faced many changes this year, and while some of them have been managed well, others have meant great anxiety, stress and ultimately, have not resulted in the change that was expected. Change management…

This is How To Make Meetings Work Post-Covid

Covid-19 has resulted in a number of changes in the way that people work. Because of the health risks associated with in-person meetings and working in the office, work has shifted online and where people…

3 Perfect Gifts for Employees During the Pandemic

It has been a crazy year! A year in which working from home became the standard and celebrating the holiday abroad was no longer an option. Also 2021 will be a little different this year……

Employee Feedback Is as Necessary as Customer Feedback – Here’s Why

 “Feedback is the most essential ingredient for maintaining proper growth for a business” – These words have stood strong for businesses across the globe for determining the long-term success of an organization. Businesses today are…

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