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Which Leadership Styles Are Most Effective?
The ability to take a team from “getting the job done” to “surpassing every goal and expectation with flying colors” requires an understanding of the difference between what it means to manage a group of people and lead a group of people. For as many individuals that are leaders, there are almost as many ways to lead.
Create and Nurture Your Collective Intelligence
At the MIT Center of Collective Intelligence, professors and graduate students are wrestling with an important opportunity—and gaining ground. With new collaborative tools available for use in the cloud, people are no longer isolated in their creative endeavors.
5 Tactics to Inspire Collaboration on Your Team
Getting a diverse group of individuals to join forces and cooperate as a team can be a real challenge. If your crew members would rather sail solo than share the effort, you may need a little help to inspire them to work together.
Win Friends. Influence People. Achieve What You Want.
You have heard that to succeed, you just need to work hard, study hard, learn a lot. But there’s more to it than just that. One very important element is to surround yourself with people you admire. It takes people skills to surround yourself with people you admire but these are skills which can be learned.
10 Steps to Accountability
Early in my career, my boss gave me what he called “The 10 Commandments” to personal and team success. It was a laminated, front-and-back, wallet-size card with 10 statements on each side. One side was titled “10 Steps to Accountability” and the other side was “10 Steps to Right Person, Right Place, and Right Time.”
How to Assess Your Organizational Leaders and Their Capacity to Lead
Rarely is a great leader born. Developing leadership capacity and the “must have” leadership characteristics does not happen by accident. Organizations cannot sit back and hope leaders develop.
Anonymity Dilutes Accountability
A major way to increase accountability is to reduce anonymity. Anonymity dilutes accountability. Surround yourself with people who have high expectations for you. Be responsible to yourself first. Lose the pride. Open yourself up to accountability.
The Elevator Pitch: Not to be Told in an Elevator!
The Elevator speech is really just a script of what you want to say when someone asks you about your business. Many direct sellers just stumble around when asked “what do you do?” Having a clear and concise elevator pitch that creates desire will stimulate questions from the person you are talking to.
10 Top Impediments to Creative Business Thinking
Successful entrepreneurs are the ones who think the most creatively, not only in their initial product or service, but more importantly all through the stages of growth from startup to maturity. But even the best of them can easily slip into some bad decision habits that limit or hurt their business, due to natural human tendencies and the pressures of business challenges.
Why Good Writing Matters, and 4 Ways to Teach It To Your Team
In a time of emoticons, abbreviations, and 140 character-count replies, a three-paragraph email is the equivalent of “War and Peace.” But communication is a vital part of office life, whether you’re a lab technician sharing results or a human resources staffer announcing a new wellness program.