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4 Reasons a Leader Embraces Change
A leader has an entirely different vision to that of a manager. Managers fear change because it upsets their carefully structured way of life—while leaders embrace change because they know that change leads to new ways of growth and accomplishment.
Building a Team through Shared Goals
For any business to succeed, you have to build a team that works together. That team includes you as the business owner, any employees you have, your vendors, your partners—everyone who is part of running your business. When it comes to building that team, although talent is important, a cohesive group that sticks together is the number one priority.
The Bottom Line Effect of Caring for Your Customers
Top sales people don’t just get to where they are because they make a lot of calls, or because they know the best closing techniques. In most cases, their clients have come to see them less as commission earners and more as trusted partners.
If It Ain’t Authentic, It Ain’t Sustainable
In a recent issue of Dixie “Dynamite” Gillaspie’s terrific Daily Dose of Dynamite she brilliantly wrote: “Any success that does not allow you to be fully yourself is not sustainable.”
Don’t Create a Disconnect for Your Customers
Remember: whether it is your Facebook presence, your website, your radio spots or how your phone is answered, every one of those choices either connects me closer to your brand or makes me notice the disconnect.
5 Ways to Ignite Passion in Your Team
True leaders have the innate ability to motivate staff to achieve better results. Leading with a passion is what separates great leaders from the “wannabees.”
Prioritize to be Most Effective
While I agree with Ben Franklin’s idea, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” countless companies have wasted time and money on strategic plans that are collecting dust. People spend lots of time planning but very little time turning those plans into daily actionable tasks. Some suggest that putting your goal in the mirror so you see it every day will make it come true.
Successful CEOs: Learn from Their Mistakes
The best CEOs will tell you that they have learned more from their failures than they have from their successes. Here, we’ll highlight the most regrettable mistakes made by some of the world’s top CEOs, and what learnings can be gleaned from those mistakes.
The Awesome Value of Consistency
People value consistency in their leaders. Consistency removes uncertainty and leads to trust. Trust, in turn, leads to influence.