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4 Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team

Inspiring leaders recognize that money is not the main reason people come to work. Sure, it’s the primary motivator for why we work—but once the concept of comparable pay for comparable work has been addressed, it fails to inspire passion in the work place.

The Single Greatest “People Skill”

People can tell. They know—maybe consciously, perhaps unconsciously—if you are truly interested in them or just fakin’ it in order to manipulate or “get something” from them.

Do You Trust Your People Enough to Let Them Think?

It’s odd, we interview people, anxious to hire the best and the brightest. Those people that have the proven track records, skills and experience to perform at the highest levels.

The Greatest Secret of the Magnetic Person

One secret and irresistible quality of magnetic people is that they’re grateful. They are genuinely thankful, and it shows in their interactions with others. Even though we don’t usually think of gratefulness as a major personality trait, it actually goes a long way towards shaping who we are.

Teamwork is a Core Value

As with most things, building a team environment takes time and work. Start small by building teams that you know will be successful. You can then use that success to help spread the concept to the rest of the organization.

Bad Advice on Data Decisions

My problem is that so-called “data from customers” is rarely truth. Data gathering is plagued with problems of research design, random lists, skewed questions, half truth and innuendo disguised as data.

What I Learned About Entrepreneurship from Running

One of the recurring themes to pop into my head while running in the last month was the similarity between how I was progressing as a runner and how I could potentially apply the same mindset to running my company.

5 Characteristics of Great Mentors

There are many qualities needed to be a good mentor. However, there are a few that stand out that I would like to share with you. Here are the top 5 characteristics I’ve seen in great mentors:

4 Reasons a Leader Embraces Change

A leader has an entirely different vision to that of a manager. Managers fear change because it upsets their carefully structured way of life—while leaders embrace change because they know that change leads to new ways of growth and accomplishment.

Building a Team through Shared Goals

For any business to succeed, you have to build a team that works together. That team includes you as the business owner, any employees you have, your vendors, your partners—everyone who is part of running your business. When it comes to building that team, although talent is important, a cohesive group that sticks together is the number one priority.

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