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3 Things That Can Put You Out of Business
There are three simple things you must do to survive in business. None of them will put you out of business immediately. However, lack of attention in these three areas causes a slow death spiral and will eventually lead to business failure. Here are the things to pay attention to.
Success Requires a Process of Excellence
Success requires a process of excellence. You can never be successful just by saying, “I’m going to succeed.” Instead, you are successful when you set out to improve in every area, to study your strengths and weaknesses and pursue excellence in each aspect.
How Philanthropy Can Boost Your Business
When a lot of people hear the word “philanthropy,” they think about the 1%, America’s multi-millionaires who have all the money they need and can afford to make large donations to their favorite charities.
3 Ways to Get Honest Feedback from Your Team
We have a continuous feedback loop in our company, comprised of one-on-one meetings, weekly departmental updates, trust and transparency in all of our interactions. Even with all of that, there are times when people need to be pushed to provide honest feedback.
4 Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team
Inspiring leaders recognize that money is not the main reason people come to work. Sure, it’s the primary motivator for why we work—but once the concept of comparable pay for comparable work has been addressed, it fails to inspire passion in the work place.
The Single Greatest “People Skill”
People can tell. They know—maybe consciously, perhaps unconsciously—if you are truly interested in them or just fakin’ it in order to manipulate or “get something” from them.
How Can You Organize Your Business with a Time Horizon?
In the world of business, so many industry terms get thrown around that it can be hard to keep up. “Time horizon” is a term with which many accountants and business owners are or should be familiar. It refers to any goal with a specific expected ending time.
Do You Trust Your People Enough to Let Them Think?
It’s odd, we interview people, anxious to hire the best and the brightest. Those people that have the proven track records, skills and experience to perform at the highest levels.
The Greatest Secret of the Magnetic Person
One secret and irresistible quality of magnetic people is that they’re grateful. They are genuinely thankful, and it shows in their interactions with others. Even though we don’t usually think of gratefulness as a major personality trait, it actually goes a long way towards shaping who we are.
Teamwork is a Core Value
As with most things, building a team environment takes time and work. Start small by building teams that you know will be successful. You can then use that success to help spread the concept to the rest of the organization.