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What Companies Take Their Environmental Impact Seriously?

CARBON CONTROL™ takes a smart approach to the visibility issue by introducing a brand standard into the market. Like a USDA “ORGANIC” or “Fairtrade” certification, CARBON CONTROL™ distinguishes companies working to reduce carbon emissions by 3% each year.

Top 10 Trust Inhibitors

Trust. It’s becoming a prevailing word in society. We know we need more, but where does one start? One important initial step is to identify some of the inhibitors. Check out this list and consider your team’s greatest current challenges. How can you and your company or family break through them?

Does Your Culture Promote or Prevent Inventive Thinking?

If they were being truly honest, how would your employees describe your culture? Would they say it is like Israel, America or North Korea?

8 Productivity-Boosting Tips for Prioritizing Your Work Day, Part 1

If you feel stuck, you may be able to get more revved up and accomplish more by pursuing some strategies to boost productivity and work smarter, not harder. Here are some essential ways to prioritize work, in order to move forward and break out of a rut.

Money is Not Always the Best Motivator

For so many years, I have talked about the power of incentives to motivate staff—especially monetary ones. However, more and more research is showing incentives do not work in all cases and can sometimes even produce the opposite effect.

Where Do Leaders Come From?

If you want to grow your business, you must grow your people. In the small and mid-sized companies that I work with, there is—not always, but more times than not—a sizable gap between the CEO and his or her direct reports. It’s not a skill gap. It’s a leadership gap.

Best Biz Tips from Buffett, Bezos, and Ben Franklin

The world’s top businesspeople didn’t accidentally fall into success. Here are some of the most valuable pieces of entrepreneurial wisdom from the world’s top entrepreneurs.

We’re All Going to Mess Up

No one is perfect, we make mistakes. Situations and circumstances change, making what we’ve done wrong. However well we may have planned, prepared, anticipated, something happens and we fail.

How to See More Productive Smiles at Work

Most companies seem to have done a number of different employee surveys that have generated lots of data about what is wrong, and then they have done nothing with the data.

Do You Have a Plan for Your Small Business Future?

New findings released from a study conducted by Securian Financial Group show that many small business owners plan on leaving their companies within the next decade, but most do not have any type of exit plan or proper future outline for their entrepreneurial endeavors.

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