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Never Overlook the Importance of Communication

A strong business starts with strong communication. What are some of the things you can do to foster good communications in your small business?

The Secret to Productivity, In One Sentence

The great Bud Grant, my football coach with the Minnesota Vikings, never made motivational talks before the game. He always said to me, “Well, if I have to go and motivate you before the game, and you need me to make a pep talk, then you’re in the wrong profession.” And that made sense to me.

How to Build a Culture of Trust

As a business owner, you have to see yourself as the quarterback. Engage with all employees — not just your “star players” — and work to build a trusting team. Your company’s success is built on this foundation of mutual trust.

The Value of Conflicting Opinions on a Corporate Advisory Board

When President Lincoln was choosing his Cabinet, he turned to his three fiercest Republican rivals—people against whom he’d run!—and top Democrats. Lincoln virtually assured that every meeting would erupt in conflict.

Workplace Culture is a Philosophy, Not a Checklist

When companies use a checklist mentality to create a strong culture, they only focus on culture for a season with involvement initiatives, campaigns, banners, slogans, and motivational messages. Then they move on to the next issue.

Beware the Manipulative Frame

A frame is the foundation from which everything evolves. Set a frame of kindness, cooperation, win/win and benevolence and a very mutually beneficial result will most likely occur.

The Heroic Event

The small and mid-sized companies I work with consistently deliver on their promises to customers. These promises are important, but they are promises made outside the organization.

Strategic Goal Planning for Savvy Businesses

A strategic goal is a statement of what you want to achieve over a specific period, i.e the next year or the next two quarters. It involves careful analysis and lots of brainstorming, because after all, your goal(s) will set the course for the strategies you formulate, actions you take, and dollars you expend.

What You Must Learn from My Summer Vacation

Remember in our youth the standard return-to-school “What I Did on My Summer Vacation” essay? This summer has given me several lessons that have value for you today.

How to Successfully Crowdsource Anything for Your Small Business

Think of crowdsourcing as a kind of Internet dating approach to finding your small business the capital, creativity, help and ideas it needs to take it to the next level. And just as there been an explosion in Internet dating sights, there’s been a boom in crowdsourcing sites.

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