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Surround Yourself with People Smarter Than You

Helpers do what you say, while good help does what you need, without you saying anything. People who can help you the most are actually smarter than you, at least in their domain.

Don’t Make Assertions That Will Later Prove Untrue

Sometimes it is easy for someone at the top of an organization to make a statement that, in the enthusiasm of the moment or to make a point, crosses the line between fact and fiction.

Are You Feeling a Little Stressed?

Stress is a natural part of life—but as a culture, we’ve upped the ante and are entering an era of super stress. The consequences of that super stress are showing up in every aspect of daily life and come with incredible costs as we wrestle with the consequences.

Continuing the Cycle: How to Develop the Skills of Future Leaders

Continuing the cycle of strong leaders is possible by being proactive and developing the skills of future leaders. This is possible by embedding leadership development into your organizational culture and establishing strategies that will help identify future leaders internally.

So What CAN You Do?

Perhaps it’s someone on your team at work. Or, maybe a close friend or family member you’re trying to help work through a difficult personal situation.

You Should Not Avoid Confrontation

Confrontation is one of those things that almost every manager hates. Fearing that an employee may “lose it” or act out, many managers will delay confrontation or even avoid it altogether. As uncomfortable as confrontation is, however, the cost of avoiding it is often very high.

6 Tips for Creating a Professional Work Environment

It’s no surprise that an employee’s attitude can make a huge difference on his or her work. As a manager and leader, you should strive for a positive work environment while helping your employees develop into essential components of the overall team.

How to Bounce Back from Crushing Defeat

As a record-making quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings in the 1970s, I led my team to three Super Bowls in a span of only four years. In case you hadn’t heard, I lost all three of them.

10 Trust Secrets You Need to Practice in Business

One of the first harsh realities that every entrepreneur has to learn is that most of the things that are critical to startup success are outside of their direct control.

5 Steps to Hardworking, Caring Employees

By planning outreaches, or even local community-participations you are helping workers form a bond. To have such a culture, it is very important for the bosses to demonstrate a humble nature. Otherwise, social hierarchy will create barriers.

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