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Focus on Character Not Competence

In my experience as a leadership change consultant, character always wins—too often people are hired for competence, but fired for character. This is why it’s important to ensure your recruitment process is focused on finding and hiring people who share the same values as your organization.

Shrinking Your Carbon Footprint: Energy Management for Every Business

It’s essential for businesses today to make energy management a priority. These tips can help ensure that your business manages its energy profile effectively.

5 Tactics to Emerge as Business Leader

A business leader is someone who understands the conditions of a market and then develops strategies for meeting demands. In particular, a leader in business is someone who can motivate a team of people to meet larger demands for the entire company

Are You Too Emotionally Involved in the Decision?

Negotiating an agreement, especially one that involves personal gain, is tough for the person personally involved. There is too much to lose to be objective, to be willing to walk when terms go upside down.

Do You Tell Your Direct Reports HOW to Do a Job?

Unless your job is to teach, attempting to tell your direct reports HOW to do the job you’ve asked or ordered them to do will be a disincentive, will remove some of the authority you’ve delegated, and definitely reduce their motivation to act and lead.

Why Persuasion is the #1 Skill for Entrepreneurs

Some people say – humorously – that entrepreneurship work is one third persuading investors to invest, one third customers to buy, and one last this persuading your parents to let you stray from the “conventional” path.

You Are Watched More Closely Than You Think

Ever had a manager above you who said one thing and did another? At least once? Or in a pattern of repeats? Well, you’re not alone. Did you think less of that person for it?

Something for Nothing

Make sure your employees understand how they can affect the overall business picture. Expect them to think like an owner, and act like an owner. Give them an opportunity to use good judgement—you will be surprised by how well they do.

Why Your Employees Should Be Your #1 Audience

When people think about marketing, they typically think about external marketing—marketing tactics aimed at potential customers. But no business can afford to forget to actively and regularly market to its own employees. In fact, your employees should be your #1 audience.

This Tip from Oprah Will Help You Take Control of Your Success

We have to look at every little detail of what we do in our business, and in our lives. Do not overlook anything. And one of the most important little details is YOU.

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