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Top 7 Reasons Your Small Business Should Go Paperless

Ten thousand pages: that is how much paper the average office worker uses every year. This number is staggering, considering it amounts to millions of tons of paper waste throughout the U.S. every year. These…

Good Leadership Includes High Emotional Intelligence

Being a successful leader in any field requires more than just hard work and good luck. For those looking to increase their leadership skills, one of the most important areas they should excel in is…

Leadership Skills: How to Provide Corrective Direction

When discussing the “How to’s” of building an engaged culture, we hear lots of talk about “reinforcing the positive” and “catching people doing things right,” but what happens when people are doing things wrong and…

How to Craft an Inspirational Speech

Inspirational speakers can be the spark that ignites the passion and devotion of employees. Poorly implemented speeches could leave your employees questioning your ability to lead. Due to the fruits that rousing speeches can inspire,…

What is Company Culture & Why Does It Matter?

“Since 1998 the 100 Best Companies [to work for] have outperformed the S&P 500 index by a ratio of nearly 2 to 1,” according to a study in Fortune. Businesses on the “Best Companies” list earned…

6 Elements for a Smashing Company Holiday Party

With the holidays fast approaching, many companies are considering throwing holiday parties. Christmas and New Year parties are common, but those who think outside of the box can even have parties for Thanksgiving or other…

Leadership Skills: 5 Ways to Ignite Passion in Your Team

True leaders have the innate ability to motivate staff to achieve better results. Leading with a passion is what separates great leaders from the “wannabees.” Some people come to work every day, do their job…

How to Get More Employee Support for Company Philanthropy

More than ever before, companies of all sizes are paying attention to their impact on the world outside of their business. Corporate social responsibility has become a key aspect of many operational plans; most businesses…

Entrepreneurs: Take the Time to Celebrate Your Exit

We come to the end of this cycle of insights with a thought about how you might view your successful exit from the company you have spent so much effort to build. You’ve worked hard…

Make Your Ship Unsinkable

A recent tweet said: “An entire sea of water can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside. Similarly, the negativity of the world can’t put you down, unless you allow it inside your heart and…

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