How Do I Make the Right Business Decisions?
When it comes to running a business, big or small, there is no secret recipe for making the right decisions. And there is often more than one right decision—or no right decision, and just one…
10 Surefire Ways for Leaders to Stay Energized Every Day
Most effective and productive leaders know how necessary it is to stay energized. Leaders who forget this fact and become de-motivated do not only hurt their followers but also their businesses, as well. In today’s…
6 Tips to Creating a Unique Company Culture
Creating and fostering a unique bond within a group has always been a challenge, as different expectations and individuals often go head-to-head against each other and undermine precious efforts to achieve a common goal. It…
How is Your Corporate and Personal Credibility?
A friend of mine recently told me his story of how his very career rests on his credibility with his major supplier–partners. He stated that everything rides upon his credibility when he declares that he…
6 Tips for Interview Success
As you may recall, a few months ago we wrote a piece about how you can plan and pitch a top-notch PR campaign. Hopefully by now, you’ve had a few chats with the media and secured…
Veteran Entrepreneurs Recognized by SBA at Veterans Small Business Week
In honor of Veterans Small Business Week, I had the pleasure of nominating two NY State veteran business owners as success stories. Their stories will be placed on the National SBA web portals for recognition….
A No Excuse Approach to Make Change Stick and Drive Employee Engagement
Change is not an event, rather it’s a process. In my experience as a leadership change consultant, “It starts with leaders having a personal change realization, understanding that change is necessary, creating a leadership team…
Building a Sustainable Business is More Than Profit
I may be a bit old-fashioned, but I have always looked at a business first for its potential ability to be self-sustaining, and provide reasonable profits to feed my family, my lifestyle, and my retirement….
DIY Leadership
As the owner of a business, there are tasks that only you can accomplish. You have to consistently make sure everything is running smoothly, however there are certain ways of delegating responsibility that will set…
Define a Flexible Schedule That Works for Your Workplace
Let’s go ahead and address the elephant in the office. The Internet has forever changed how we work, and in turn, where and when we can work. The entire team no longer has to be…