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A Simple Test: Are We Managing Like Jerks?

Are we who issue orders to associates or employees ever acting as jerks? We’d never like to think so, or we wouldn’t do it in the first place. If someone is saying “This is confusing…

5 Simple Ways to Improve Office Morale without Breaking the Bank

Employee morale is much like the accelerator on an automobile. When morale is high, the pedal is pushed to the floor, and the vehicle moves forward quickly. When morale is sluggish or negative, the pressure…

Motivate Your Staff with These 4 Easy Incentive Programs

You’ve heard it before, but we’ll say it again: your small business is only as good as your employees. Without them, it doesn’t matter how much money you have in the bank or how great…

Transparency: The More Things Change…or Do They?

“…{You} must recognize that we are living in a different generation than the one in which {your} father had lived, and that it was possible, in building up an industry such as {his}, to maintain a…

6 Tips for Creating a Work Environment Everyone Will Love

The work environment that your employees have when they interact with each other is extremely important in the scheme of things. Having a balanced work environment can boost the morale of your employees as well…

Celebrate Your Mistakes

How do you teach your work force that mistakes are OK as long as they learn and don’t repeat them? By being a visible example. A friend and fellow CEO states that he publishes each…

How to Become a Catalyst Leader

If you’re in the Baby Boomer generation about to retire or already retired, congratulations! But this article is not for you. As the Baby Boomers retire they are taking with them critical leadership skills that…

9 Tips for Scaling Your Business from Successful Entrepreneurs

The difference between a small business or startup and a successful and profitable company typically boils down to time and experience. But, there are certain factors that play a big part in how those companies…

How to Make Your Sales Goals Real and Yourself Accountable

“A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” Samuel Goldwyn. There are a lot of quotes and adages that reflect the idea Samuel Goldwyn was getting at. The heart of the matter is this:…

Female Entrepreneurs and Their Rising Roles in Business

There are still big equality hurdles when it comes to gender in the American workforce, but those disparities are slowly inching closer together. Just take a look at Silicon Valley—the number of women founding tech…

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