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3 Key Elements of a Strong Change Management Framework

Realizing a need for change and having a plan to stimulate change are very different. Making any type of change to the status quo is never easy—it’s even more difficult without a clear change management…

In the (Green) House

If someone were to say the phrase “urban agriculture,” quaint community gardens would probably come to mind. A vital resource, especially in major metropolises like New York and Chicago, these gardens usually contain a row…

Rinse and Repeat: Revitalizing Your Business

Here’s a statement that you never thought would apply to your business planning. Sometimes we get stuck in the muck with our marketing, product, management focus, and in keeping up with trends. It is natural…

Is Leadership Really About This?

I was stunned reading an article in Fast Company:  Five CEOs On The Skills It Takes To Land The Corner Office. The skills they identified were: How to say “No.” How to pitch. How to read…

5 Benefits of Leveraging the Small Business Checklist

While it doesn’t get loads of attention like some other special days, Checklist Day (October 30) should be on the calendar of every small business owner. Let’s look at five incredible benefits you can get…

How to Start Your Employees’ Day on the Right Note

The way you start a day can set a precedent for the several hours to follow. That’s why nutritionists say it’s so important to begin a day with a balanced meal. The same goes for…

Start, Stop, Do Different

Many people are familiar with the expression, Start, Stop, Do Different from personal evaluation processes—those regularly scheduled reviews by our supervisor. Management will often use this outline to give us feedback about our performance. But…

5 Not So Obvious Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Usually, advice is a well-intended opinion, optimism, and belief; most times it’s subjective and idealistic. However, what are you more inclined to listen and follow? The advice that someone gives you, or what you observe…

How to Create a Core Team You Can Trust

How many times have you heard this line in a movie: “I don’t know if I can trust you…”? The line always comes at a pivotal moment. If there isn’t any trust, then the love…

10 Characteristics of Leadership to Help You Grow Your Business

You’ve launched your startup. Things are going well, and you’re building your team. Suddenly, you find yourself in the position of being the leader, the captain of the ship, and you may be wondering what…

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