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Why You Should Consider Giving Your Product Away for Free

In June, my company Testive announced that we were dropping the pay wall on our online SAT and ACT prep products. No limits. No locked content. No ads. Don’t be confused—we did this to grow our business, not shrink it. So far it’s working—we’ve had record sales every month since then. Here’s what we learned.

Pricing, Networking, and Value

Jenni from the Quick Books Self Employed Community says the following: “I always feel like my prices are too high, yet when I see my competition, their prices are almost double mine.”

Why the Merchant Cash Advance May Be Right for You

Poor or nonexistent credit history is the thorn in many a new entrepreneur’s side. It can be frustrating enough starting a brand-new business from scratch, but having a credit history that does not shine makes things even more difficult. Without a strong credit history, acquiring a loan is not easy.

Quick Quiz: What Do Investors Cite as the Common Cause of Failures?

What do venture capitalists and angel investors cite as the common cause of the failures in their portfolios? That’s a great question, which somebody posed in Quora. And as I write this post, it has several really interesting answers.

5 End-of-Year Tax Tips to Cut Your Taxes Before 2015

With Thanksgiving and the holiday season upon us, it’s easy to get caught up in buying turkeys and finding stocking stuffers for the grandkids. However, it’s also a great time to start thinking about reducing your taxes and planning for April 15th.

Reasons to Offer Gift Cards This Holiday Season

Gift cards are extremely popular at large, corporately-owned, big-box stores. But if you proudly own a local small business, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t explore the possibility of offering gift cards to customers this holiday shopping season. Here’s why:

When Profits Collapse, Don’t Turn to Discounting

I’ve been in the business world for over 40 years and I’ve lost count of the number of times that discounting has exacerbated a sales decline it was intended to avert. Conversely, I’ve seen sale declines turn around with amazing alacrity through more focused, value-oriented marketing messages.

How to Help Your Small Business Survive a Tax Audit

If your small business is selected to undergo a tax audit, there are certain steps you can take to ensure that the outcome for your business is positive.

How to Qualify for a Business Loan

What makes a business a good candidate for a bank loan? What are loan officers looking for? Read on for the answers to these questions.

5 Questions to Ask When Buying or Replacing Your POS System

Your POS system is one of the most important parts of your business. With today’s technology, it is your tool for completing transactions, managing/updating your inventory, and keeping track of your employee hours and productivity.

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