What to Know Before You Go for a Commercial Loan
You have decided to start a business, or grow an existing business, and now need a commercial loan. Be prepared to research commercial loan rates and start sifting through all the possibilities for commercial loan lenders.
7 Things You Should Do to Prepare for Tax Season
The 2015 IRS tax-filing season is right around the corner. It officially kicks off on Tuesday, Jan. 20 when the IRS will begin accepting both paper and electronic returns.
Improve Your Customer Service to Prevent Chargebacks
A smart merchant will accept a chargeback as what it is: a learning opportunity. It is a chance to evaluate and enhance your customer service.
When All Else is Equal, the Lowest Price Wins!
When the customer perceives little difference between alternative solutions from vendors, the lowest price wins! And that’s how it should be, it would be insane for the customer to do anything else.
RCM Software and Plugging Those Revenue Leaks
Is your small business retaining all the revenue it’s earning? Understanding the source of your revenue stream, the paths it takes, and any potential revenue breaches along the way is critical to the long-term success of your business.
Looking for a Loan? Go Local, Small Business Owner, Go Local!
The first lesson a respected college professor taught his students was to not trust academic “experts.” If you look at the track record of these so-called experts, it’s never very impressive.
Unrelated Business Taxable Income
Non-profit organizations in the United States do not pay income tax on their “income.” However, when a non-profit ventures into certain business activities, it will owe income tax on this income, termed “unrelated business taxable income (UBTI).”
6 Numbers That Drive the Success of Your Business
Gina Bianchini of Mightybell asked what specific measures do I look at regularly. Here’s what I said in answer to her question:
5 Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid
Unless you’re a financial whiz, it’s not always easy to also work out your financial plan and pin down precise numbers; sometimes important financial details can fall by the wayside.
Can Business Owners Deduct Holiday Gifts on Their Tax Returns?
With the holiday season in full swing, many of us are in a gift-giving mood. So this begs the question: Does the IRS allow business owners to write off gift expenses as a tax deduction when filing with Uncle Sam?