SmallBizClub is dedicated to providing small businesses and entrepreneurs the information and resources they need to start, run, and grow their businesses. The publication was founded by successful entrepreneur and NFL Hall of Fame QB Fran Tarkenton. We bring you the most insightful thinking from industry leaders, veteran business owners, and fellow entrepreneurs. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


7 Insane Employee Perks at Tech Companies

No such thing as a free lunch? Not true when you’re an employee of Twitter, Facebook, Eventbrite, Google, AirBnB, or Zynga. As you can see in this infographic put together by the team at, tech companies are redefining employee perks and corporate culture.

Exceptional Offices

Have you ever fantasized about what would be in your ideal office? Take a look at what some companies already include, from skate parks to bomb shelters.

Getting to the Top of Google

Like many things in life, your success in the search engines is really a sum of the parts. Understanding all those pieces, how they should fit together and then actually making it happen can be daunting for many businesses.

3 Highly Effective SEO Tools Anyone Can Use

Among the many SEO tools available to help keep your website active and highly ranked, here is an overview of some of the easiest and most effective to use.

6 Unique Ways to Stand Out at Your Next Trade Show

Do you want to create strong, lasting connections with consumers and contacts at your next trade show event? Here are some simple, unique tricks you can use to consistently boost your effectiveness and confidence in trade show networking.

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Communication?

As leaders, we all understand the undeniable power of communication. While it’s important to build a culture of communication within your business, it’s equally important to understand its limitations, and when it can actually start to work against us. This is what it means to be an effective communicator.

Looking to Expand to Another Country? Check Your Finance Translations First

There are many barriers to entering into a completely unfamiliar market in another country, but the benefits that it carries are huge. One of these barriers can be language.

5 Things That Are Keeping Your Business from Being More Efficient

Are your profits falling? Are your employees disengaged, unproductive or unhappy? Sometimes it is tough to pinpoint exactly what is draining time or resources for your company.

Stop Competing: Start Winning by Innovating II

In your business or your life, are you a competer or an innovator? No, “competers” is not a misprint. It’s an original term for those who reflexively compete rather than seek to gain a strategic advantage through innovation.

Tell a Story to Build Your Brand

Gone are the days when brands could just broadcast their message and reach their audience. They now need a good story to break through the noise.