Compete on Value, Not Price

Instead of chasing the lowest price, you must develop customers who are loyal to you because you have provided them the value they need. Just remember that it is up to you to spell out this value so they understand what they are receiving.
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How to Protect Your Business Idea

Your ideas can be as valuable to you as your physical property and protecting them should be something every business owner, inventor, or entrepreneur takes into consideration. Before you pitch your idea, there are some things to keep in mind about protecting your creativity.
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It Is Not About You

Do you need to have skill and talent to pull off a business? Absolutely. Do you have to be the best person in the room to pull off a business? Absolutely not.
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8 Key Focus Elements Will Attract Startup Investors

One of the most common failures I see in startups is lack of focus. Unfocused entrepreneurs boast that their new technology will generate multiple disruptive products for consumers as well as enterprises around the world. Investors hear this as trying to do too many things with limited resources, meaning the startup will not shine at anything, and will not survive the competition.

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Insights from a Successful Solopreneur

This post is going to talk about the journey of a solopreneur, Bjorn Forsberg, who successfully launched a Shopify product, OrderlyPrint, while continuing his day job. There are some interesting lessons from his journey that contradict a lot of what you read about entrepreneurship.
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Brand Bump Ahead!

Everyday, yesterday’s unseen challenges become today’s clear problems. Here are some strategies for identifying signs that trouble is ahead, giving you an opportunity to attack the problem now.
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Moving from Customer Service to Customer Experience

We all know the difference between good and bad service, but in order to compete, you have to move beyond this and focus on the overall experience you create for your customers. Successful companies must shift their focus from providing satisfactory customer service to creating a memorable customer experience that builds loyalty.
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Essential Elements When Framing Organizational Change

A critical element of initiating a successful change initiative is communicating that change is a normal and positive function of doing business—it is a key factor in a company’s ability to remain relevant and differentiate from competitors and grow year over year.
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How to Mine Your Customer List for Sales Gold

As a business owner, your biggest potential gold mines are often closer than you think—it’s just a matter of knowing where to look. By going beyond what’s worked in the past and being open to new strategies, you’ll be surprised by how many untapped profit centers are just within your reach.
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