I spend a lot of time each day talking with new entrepreneurs who are excited about starting a business, but fear they may not have the credentials, credibility or experience to pull it off.
They sweat about their business idea. They sweat about the fact that someone else has been in the space much longer, and is more established and skilled. They sweat when they imagine themselves in front of a video screen, or splashed across a magazine page.
Do you need to have skill and talent to pull off a business? Absolutely. Do you have to be the best person in the room to pull off a business? Absolutely not.
It is not about you
Here is the truth: if you spend your time worrying about yourself, you have missed the point entirely. Your business is about the people you want to help. Their needs. Their fears. Their dreams.
None of us will ever be perfect. Someone will always be smarter, more productive, more witty, older, younger, more charismatic. Your people don’t care. They want help now.
So while they are sitting there gasping for breath, you are sitting in front of your mirror, wondering if your hair looks right.
Get over it. Get to work.
This article was originally published by Escape from Cubicle Nation
Published: June 18, 2013