10 Tips for Setting Rules and Guidelines for Your Interns

Your experience with interns can be a positive one if you provide excellent guidelines and training. Even if you are not able to eventually offer them a permanent position, your role as their corporate mentor and possible reference is invaluable to their future success in their chosen field.
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5 Expectations Your Team Has for You as a Leader

Leaders help to create powerful, cohesive teams that enable organizations to achieve their targets. Part of being a great leader is understanding what the members of your team expect from you. You can use that knowledge to become a better leader and make them an even stronger team that can achieve anything.
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Listening Builds Trust

Listening is a fundamental skill of genuine success, and it’s hard to be great or trusted without it. The benefits of listening include more trust, better understanding, stronger marriages, happier kids, and increased respect at work. Still, being a good listener is hard work!
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Try the Forrest Gump Rule for Effective Networking

As someone who teaches the skills and strategies of effective F2F networking, I want you to handle your name with tender loving care and not just blurt it out when you introduce yourself to a conversational partner. Instead, teach the other person your name so they will actually remember it.
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Why People Need to Talk to People

None of us ever has an original idea. Everything we know and think of ultimately comes from what we see, what we read, and what we hear. So what better way is there to get new ideas than to go out and engage with more people, more sources of information?
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5 Special Qualities Shared by Courageous Leaders

A leader has so many special qualities that it’s inspirational when you work with them. They possess an invisible aura that radiates confidence and challenges everyone around them to achieve greater heights than they would have ever dared to try before.
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How to be a Clear Communicator

To the extent that one shares meaning with another, the two parties communicated. Anyone familiar with the academic side of communication can tell you, it’s very difficult for any two people, much less groups, to accurately convey meaning to one another.
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Are You Ready for Crisis Communication?

Being hit by a natural disaster (tornado) and man-made disaster (fire) within a two month period will get you thinking about crisis readiness! Having survived the aforementioned events without more real pain than insurance company and contractor frustration, I am quite aware of how much worse things could have been for our family and for my business.
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