The Best B2B Services for Small Business Owners

a business owner smiling on the phone

For small business owners, tapping into the right business-to-business (B2B) services can mean the difference between stagnation and growth. In today’s bustling marketplace, small operations must leverage the power of other businesses to bolster their own services and bottom lines. Efficient B2B services enable small businesses to focus on their core operations while delegating ancillary…

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6 Proven B2B TikTok Lead Generation Tips

a group of young individuals using apps on their phones

TikTok is a visual platform that has a massive user base and is more popular among youngsters. TikTok is successful in grabbing the attention of the audience consistently due to its user-friendly interface, a short-form video format that rightly caters to the attention span of modern audiences. That and other important reasons are why TikTok…

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The Ultimate Guide to Effective B2B Case Studies

b 2 b case studies

You’ve likely visited sites where the company shared some case studies with visitors. There are several ways you can utilize business-to-business (B2B) case studies to improve conversion rates and earn the trust of potential clients. Online B2B sales are around $6.6 trillion a year. Businesses see the need for a digital presence, so if you…

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How Your B2B Business Can Appeal to Multiple Industries

Business-to-business (B2B) companies face challenges that business-to-consumer (B2C) companies may not. Rather than serving a particular buyer persona or two, you may sell to various industries. Appealing to multiple client types isn’t an easy task. Forrester reports the B2B e-commerce sector alone will reach $1.8 trillion by 2023 and make up about 17% of total…

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It’s Just Science: Why Stories Are So Powerful

Stories are woven into our souls from the moment we are born. When we’re little, bedtime stories soothe us to sleep; as we get older, we begin to seek out stories for entertainment via movies, books, and shows. Sure, they’re amusing and offer a great outlet for relaxation, but their value goes much deeper than…

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7 Proven Techniques to Streamline Your Sales

Sales. For many new entrepreneurs, putting on a salesperson’s hat is anything but enjoyable—but it’s a necessary evil. During the first years of your business—if not the whole life cycle of the business—you are your company’s best spokesperson. Even if you eventually hire a sales guru or a sales team, you must still represent your…

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Change on the Horizon: How B2B Marketing Will Transform in 2020

Times, they are a-changin’. Those of us in marketing know all too well how true this is. It’s okay, though—change is an essential part of growing. In marketing, especially, new innovations represent an organic shift in societal trends and preferences. We update our tactics because people evolve, and our goal is to reach them. So,…

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A Paradox: The Sales Process and the Buying Journey

As sales professionals we face an intriguing paradox. We know, for complex B2B buying, the buyer’s journey can best be described as chaotic. What we have always believed is a linear process: identify a challenge, commit to change, define the problem/needs, evaluate alternatives, select a solution, turns out to be chaotic, as illustrated by the…

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