While the home screen that each user is presented with upon logging in is filled with pins from connections on various topics, it can be seen as a confusing mass of information that may not appeal to everyone. Because of this, Pinterest has always made it simple for users to perform a search to find specific interests.
However, like any online search, results don’t always represent exactly what you’re looking for. Maybe a search like “recipes” is too broad, but “pecan chicken with balsamic vinaigrette” is too specific. Until now, there has been no middle ground. This has been especially frustrating for mobile users, who comprise 75 percent of Pinterest’s 70 million user base; in fact, 35 percent of users access the network only through mobile devices.
That has all changed. Announced on April 25, Pinterest has introduced “Guided Search.” What is it and what else do you need to know about it?
What is Guided Search?
According to Pinterest’s official announcement, visual, descriptive guides will help mobile searchers—English speaking and using iPad, iPhone or Android applications—sift through various topics while moving in the right direction, and toward pins that are exactly what they are looking for.
It’s a way of making the search process more effective while eliminating clutter and frustration, especially those which accompany trying to run a comprehensive search on a mobile device.
How it Works
When a user enters a search term, additional options pop up below the search, which can be clicked to narrow down the results.
For example, if a user searches for “Construction,” he or she could be shown options for “Construction Leads,” “Commercial Construction,” “Construction Companies,” “Construction Jobs,” “Events” and more. From there, if the user selects “Construction Companies,” options could appear for “Construction Company Branding,” “Construction Logo” and so on. The search could continue to narrow down to something as specific as “Commercial Construction Leads,” allowing any pins that match that description to be displayed.
The tool eliminated the need to go back, delete search terms and start again, over and over again; a daunting task which most individuals have experienced in one way or another. The update is about efficiency and time savings.
How to Make Your Pins Rank High in Guided Search Results
This update allows brands to become more specific with pins, rewarding them instead of penalizing them. To make the most of the new feature, consider including the following features:
- A Clear Call to Action: the more actionable your content, the more likely it is to drive the traffic you’re looking for.
- A Link: Far too often, brands post without links, leading to frustrated searchers. Brands that include links will be rewarded in guided search.
- Keywords: Pinterest rankings matter in traditional SEO. Make sure you understand the keywords you’re targeting and that you include them in your pin descriptions.
- Categories: for a guided search result to display your pin, you must make sure you categorize your posts accordingly. Take the time to explore the new tool and to modify your content accordingly.
Pinterest’s guided search is not groundbreaking, it does however, increase efficiency for users while allowing brands to maximize their potential online. Make an effort now to become familiar with the tool, and to think about how you’d like your content to be displayed. This presents a higher potential for conversions because of the specificity of the search, however, a few changes are essential for success.
Published: May 8, 2014