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3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Revolutionize Customer Service

By: Vikas Agrawal


Ways AI Can Revolutionize Customer Service

As one of the crucial factors to consider in any e-commerce business, improving our customer services is essential to secure not only a brand’s growth but also to get a firm hold of our place among competitors. Given that, it shouldn’t be a surprise to acknowledge how many brands are leaning on the services of LiveChat clients, hiring more personnel to cover up with the demands the venue may show. But is there a line to cross between expenses and quality service?

Managing a large crew is not only stressful but also requires superb talent in human relationships to not fall under pressure or take risky choices without measuring the consequences beforehand. On top of that, human resources also require some pampering on your behalf: taking into account their efforts, giving your crew enough time to rest, considering holidays, payment raises and bonuses for a well-done job. Perhaps if we talk about a minor crew of fewer than 5 Sales Operators, then we can say things look under control—but that drastically changes if we talk about more than 15 employees with the same responsibilities, even more if sales numbers aren’t responding as they should.

Is there a wise solution to balance our brand’s interests with a quality service? Let’s see what technology can bring us as an answer!

1. A Solution for Time Zone Gap

There isn’t anything as frustrating (putting payment issues aside) for a customer as not finding a solution for the inconveniences he or she might be experiencing at your website in less than 5 minutes. If we can put numbers on customer satisfaction and loyalty, data would tell us that those websites that don’t provide 24/7 customer services are likely to lose up to 46% of their potential customers. Those worrying numbers tend to scale up as 100% effective answer time isn’t met, or if replies take over 10 hours to be sent.

Even if we can say some of our operators can take the night shift and be there for when it’s needed, this requires an immense amount of logistic effort from your behalf, plus taking in consideration higher wages due to the insalubrity of night shift for any normal human being over a long span.

Bots, on the other hand, can be set to troubleshoot the most common user problems, don’t require much more than a daily revision over the messages they send, and on top of that, they can be available for work time 24/7 without requiring higher fees.

2. Turning Data into Opportunities

A key point worth to be discussed when it comes to Artificial Intelligence is related to data analysis. Any machine will be dependent on the information provided for completing the tasks assigned in the shorter span available.

By making data a parameter, bots can gain a valid insight on how does our business work, coming up with solutions as smart as suggesting product/services based on the walkthrough a user made on our website, or purchases previously made. Combine that factor with an active selling vocabulary, geared towards expanding the reach of your venue, and you will be enjoying the very best of technology focussed on brand development.

3. Smart Services Mean Smarter Answers

For those who may feel your current chat operators are often meeting the limits of their knowledge in regards to software or any other requirements for the products you sell, artificial intelligence has found its way to improving the customer service experience by offering reliable answers to the questions asked by users.

How could this be possible? Simple: data gathering is the procedure for accomplishing these goals. However, data has to be carefully selected to ensure the best answer available when a question is asked. Machine learning models do tell us the potential of artificial intelligence, even surpassing what humans can accomplish in a strictly limited time-span, hence the importance of a proper set up for these virtual helpers as a way to help our business to keep growing.

Remember the pillars of a superb customer service experience are as follows:

  • Personalized Service
  • Attention in Real-Time
  • Omni-Channel Approach
  • Troubleshooting your client issues the store, even if they are not directly linked to your job

By taking these points into consideration, Artificial Intelligence is not meant to replace human working force totally but to make their job easier. Think of bots and virtual assistants as helpers for solving your tasks with a better outcome.

Published: May 8, 2017

Vikas Agrawal

Vikas Agrawal is a start-up Investor & co-founder of the Infographic design agency Infobrandz that offers creative and premium visual content solutions to medium to large companies. Content created by Infobrandz are loved, shared & can be found all over the internet on high authority platforms like HuffingtonPost, Businessinsider, Forbes , Tech.co & EliteDaily. Follow @infobrandz on Twitter and Facebook.

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