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Embracing the Unknown: How I Decided to Found My Own Business

A little over a year ago, I was the chief technologist at Dyn, the fastest growing private company in New Hampshire with an internet performance product suite that is changing how companies connect to their…

Small Biz Interviews: Reaching for the Sky

Krissy Jones and Chloe Kernaghan opened a Sky Ting, a yoga studio in Chinatown, just over a year ago. Lifelong dancers, they both got into yoga in college as a way of training or managing stress,…

Free (and Honest) Small Business Owner Job Description

I have stressed the importance of creating job descriptions before you start hiring to expand your small business. But I recently realized that I’ve never discussed a job description for the actual small business owner. Instead of…

7 Keys to Making a Micro-Business Your Success Path

In the last few years, I’ve heard more and more about a new type of small business, called a “micro-business” (or micro-enterprise). These are usually characterized as owner-operated, with five employees or less, and less…

Applying the 80/20 Rule to Marketing and Growth

The 80/20 rule is the flexible idea that basically stands for the fact that 80% of your success will come from 20% of the investment. You can think of it in this manner with regard to your…

How Big Thinking Will Let You Achieve Big

Do you find yourself in a rut? Do you want to live a life you want for yourself rather than someone else mapping it out for you? To change your current situation, you need to…

Small Biz Interviews: Build It and They Will Come

Architecture is a unique field that combines artistry with mathematical precision; it requires long days of bouncing between loosened up creativity and buttoned up exactness. Design too requires a similar blend of left and right…

How Kickstarter Can Give You New Business Ideas

Before I explain the theory behind this idea, as a bit of a disclaimer I do enjoy prowling through Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Largely out of curiosity, but I am often left in awe. I love…

Yelp Killed the “Soft Opening”—What Can You Do About It?

I have a friend who spent most of his life in California. He lives in Tennessee now and loves it, but he’s always on the lookout for a good Mexican restaurant. He’s only found a…

Selling Your Franchise Unit as a Franchisee

Bottom line, there is no better exit strategy from owning a franchise unit than selling it. Only this option gives you the ability to retain the equity you built into the unit as well as…

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