Marketing Innovations
Why is a Personal Brand Important?
Your personal brand includes your skills, personality, behaviors, values, experiences, words, attitudes, and image. And, even though your personal brand may be experienced differently by your various networks, it is still YOU.
Laithwaites Wines Takes a Page from Amazon
One easy way to find ideas for improving your business is to study dominant businesses in other markets. Many times you can adopt a strategy or technique and apply it directly to your own business.
Small Business Marketing: Tips from Peter Drucker
One of the most important things to remember about marketing strategy is that marketing and sales are two different things. Always remember, the best marketing tips for small businesses will fail unless you put yourself in your customers’ shoes.
5 Things You Need to Fix on Your Website to Land Media Coverage
One of the most cost effective ways to build awareness of your business and credibility in your market is media coverage, but too often you send out pitches and nothing happens.
Just Good Enough: The Minimum Viable Sales/Marketing Strategy
For years, I’ve been a proponent of “Just Good Enough” as a sales or marketing strategy. Perhaps in today’s context, Just Good Enough might be called The Minimum Viable Sales/Marketing Strategy.
Why the NFL Is Smarter Than You
I was watching a Broncos game the other night and it occurred to me that the NFL is a heck of a lot smarter than me and you. Here’s why.
Smaller B2B Companies Outdo Larger Ones on Content Marketing
Here’s a switch. Smaller businesses—those with 10-99 employees—are outdoing large companies with over 1,000 employees on content marketing strategy.
10 Quick Ideas for Producing Video Content
Video has become such a popular online medium, and while many site owners recognize the value, sometimes getting started with content ideas is the hardest part. If you have absolutely no idea what type of video content to create, below are some quick ideas to get started shooting video fast.
Ancient Marketing Techniques Can Yield Results
Despite our obsessions with smart phones, social media, and all things digital, one of the oldest forms of commercial marketing can still produce huge dividends. Can you guess what it is? Paper.