
How to Make a Business Partnership a Success

Business partnerships have their advantages and disadvantages. Taking on a business partner is like a entering into a marriage. Certain guidelines should be taken into consideration along with a path to follow.

6 Ways to Make Networking Worth Your While

Networking is not about collecting as many business cards as possible. It’s about making good, sustainable connections. Getting your name out there is all well and good, but making sure it’s remembered is the true key to networking success.

Read the Label When Networking

Your primary job is to concentrate solely on your conversational partner, listening carefully to what they say and then creating what we call a “meaty” conversation.

6 Unique Ways to Stand Out at Your Next Trade Show

Do you want to create strong, lasting connections with consumers and contacts at your next trade show event? Here are some simple, unique tricks you can use to consistently boost your effectiveness and confidence in trade show networking.

Three Cheers to Our Mentors: Helping Build Small Business Success

A mentor is someone who has been there before, done that before, and wants you to avoid the pitfalls and perils he or she experienced. Mentors are imperative to the success of any entrepreneur.

Why We Still Need Business Cards

The demise of the 3½ x 2? business card is a myth. If you’re working, you still need a business card. Why? Here are seven good reasons.

How—And How Not—to Find a Mentor

So you want a mentor to help you start or grow your business? Find a question an expert can answer quickly without having a lot of specific knowledge about your case in detail. Make it a question that’s interesting or even fun to answer.

The Importance of a Handshake and a Business Card

Online networking has become a focal point for small businesses, but don’t be so quick to discount the importance of good-old-fashioned handshakes, conversation, and business cards.

7 Tips for Mentors to Establish an Effective Relationship

I just finished reading Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, and the “Are You My Mentor?” chapter really stood out for me. It highlighted an issue I’ve grappled with for years: how awkward and ineffective a formal mentorship can be.

Hone Your Networking Skills During the Holidays

While networking skills are critical for internal connections, getting referrals, finding a job, seeking clients, solidifying relationships with existing clients, and increasing spheres of influence, the holidays provide the opportunity to be comfortable and simply…connect.

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