Advertising and Lead Generation

4 Ways to Boost Your Company’s Growth Through Customer Referrals

Even though we live in a highly digitized world, word of mouth is still a powerful tool for companies. There is no asset more powerful than a happy customer who tells their friends and family…

4 Ways to Boost Your Company’s Growth Through Customer Referrals

Even though we live in a highly digitized world, word of mouth is still a powerful tool for companies. There is no asset more powerful than a happy customer who tells their friends and family…

How to Segment Your Email List to Boost Engagement and Sales

All of marketing can be summed up by one question: what do my customers want? Figuring out the answer is where the real work comes in. For most people, that answer is customized content. Pro…

What You Need to Know About Google’s New Search Ad Position Metrics

Google continues to provide advertisers with new and helpful ways to analyze search data. While they didn’t roll out a whole new UI this time, their update to search ad position metrics is still pretty useful. Gone…

Using Call to Action Triggers to Drive Conversion

A while back, we reviewed some of the general best practices if you’re going to run Facebook ads. I want to drill down a little deeper into one of the most critical tools you have…

How to Establish a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Business

A recent study concluded that the human brain processes videos at nearly 10,000 times the speed at which they process text. Quite clearly, videos are one of the most engaging forms of marketing for the…

Advertising and AI: 5 Tips You Need to Know

Enterprise leaders need skilled advertising professionals who can adopt new methods, keep up with technology and attract the right consumers. Effective modern marketers are always connected and tuned into the latest information. For instance, savvy…

4 Ways a Poor Lead Scoring Model Will Ruin Your Business

A young man I know from New England recently launched his own modular home business. He struggled to grow his company for the first few months, but eventually he started getting his bearings. He said…

4 Cheap (or Free) Customer Acquisition Strategies for Your Online Business

Facebook ads. Google ads. Instagram ads. Twitter ads… You’d be forgiven for thinking that ads on social media are the only, or dare I say it, the best way to market your business these days…

7 Lead Generation Tactics Thrive on Limited Budgets

Contrary to popular opinion, viral marketing has not eliminated the need for old-fashioned lead generation to bring customers to a startup. Indeed, while the rules and technologies for lead generation have changed, Forrester and other experts…

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