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Run and Grow

What Is Your Biggest Error In Company Planning?

The biggest error in planning may not be spreadsheet calculation error.  Or cost estimation.  It is most often missed assumptions about the market, the competition, the speed of adoption, or other critical metrics you’ve researched,…

6 Don’ts & Dos of Running a Successful Start-Up

Let’s not beat around the bush here – starting your own company is a process much easier said than done. While it would be incredible if it did, growing a profitable business doesn’t just happen…

Remote Working Needs a Mindset Shift for the Future

Over 50 percent of the US workforce was already working remotely in 2018. In the last decade, Europe’s remote workforce has seen a 7.7 to 9.8 percent increase. Moreover, nine out of 10 employees who…

3 Main Differences Between Customer Service & Customer Support

Customer support and customer service both play key roles for businesses to provide a great customer experience. They foster more recurring revenue, word-of-mouth referrals, and customer loyalty when executed properly. Customer support and customer service…

When Does Your Audience’s Customer Experience Begin?

Do you consider each department within your business to be part of the customer experience? In 2007, Harvard Business Review said, “Customer experience is the internal and subjective response customers have to any direct or indirect contact with…

8 Government Regulations Business Owners Need to Know

The government regulations and laws you’re expected to follow as a business owner depend on your industry and location. However, there are a few common categories of business regulations that all business owners can expect…

Leveraging The Customer Loyalty Pipeline While Going After Failed Payments

A lot of small businesses rely on repeat customers to stay afloat, and many of those repeat customers have accounts that require monthly billing. Unfortunately there are a lot of factors that can lead to…

No Human Resources Department? Here’s How to Take Control

Each year in the U.S., about 400,000 new businesses open their doors. While many small businesses never hire employees, roughly 19% (5.9 million) of small businesses in the U.S. do have paid employees. Unfortunately, many…

Designing for Social Distancing: Balancing Safety & Human Connection

Illustration by Micke Tong Before 2020, when people visited a museum, attended a concert or sporting event, went shopping, or simply commuted to work, they probably never thought much about what it took to ensure…

3 Simple Steps to Gain Clients and Grow Business

The majority of companies spend most of their time continuously looking for ways to expand and grow their customer base and, therefore, their business. Growth is one of the most challenging processes for small business…

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