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Are You Confident Enough In Your Value Not To Discount?

Discounting has reached Pandemic levels. It used to be something we used as a last resort, and only under extreme duress. Today, responding to a prospecting call earns a discount. Proposals come with a price…


Emerging Trends of Human Resource Management

The year of the COVID pandemic is one of the exceptional years of modern history. And, for the human resource industry, this year was a great change with both positive and negative effects. Do you…

7 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Using Shipping Containers

One of the most important challenges faced by a business, especially a trading business, is the ability to deliver their goods or products to their buyers in good condition at the least cost and within…


Don’t Miss a Chance to Impress Customers

When you are running a business, it’s absolutely vital that you do take the right steps to impress your customers. If you fail to impress customers and clients, then they are ultimately going to turn…

4 Tips to Reorient Your Business After a Crisis

Being hit with a crisis is never easy for a business. No matter how strong the business is financial, a crisis can still impact the business negatively. Failure to prepare for a crisis will make…

4 Books to Help Your Small Business Grow

Reading might make all the difference in your small business’s success – in fact, many of the world’s most successful people spend the majority of their days reading. According to HuffPost, Warren Buffett spends 80…

The New Trend in Drop Shipping – Baby Clothes

Is drop shipping a safe business choice? Why dropship baby clothes? How can it be beneficial? If you are struggling to get satisfactory answers for the above, you’re at the right place. Research states that the baby…


5 Easy Ways to Lead a Remote Team Successfully

Leading a remote team to success is not as easy as doing it in person. Whether your company has been forced to switch to remote working recently due to the global pandemic or you’ve always…

Product Configuration: The Key to Scalable Customization

From 2015 to 2018, interest in buying customized products grew 2.4x. Where customization was once a luxury reserved for the wealthiest customers, it is now a necessity in competitive marketplaces. As the digital revolution brought…

Fixing Nursing Home Issues From the Inside Out

COVID-19 brought the attention it needed to many of the issues facing nursing homes, and it is clear these problems have existed long before the pandemic happened. Nursing homes face a number of issues, including…

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