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Run and Grow

Do You Appreciate Your Customers? Do You Show It?

Aside from your employees demonstrating verbal appreciation to customers after each transaction, occasionally add the element of surprise to truly wow them. Here are five no/low-cost ideas:

Is Customer Service a Right Brain or Left Brain Function?

Often when speaking about delivering exceptional customer experiences, I, like most speakers, tell stories. Often our signature story is about some remarkable customer experience where someone has gone above and beyond to create a memorable experience and everyone is left feeling like that is the pinnacle of success.

Connected Customers May Not Be Connected

In today’s business climate the connected customers are seen as people who are highly educated and technologically social and mobile. A study was commissioned by Kitewheel and was conducted by the independent research firm Strategic Marketing Research, Inc. in 2014 to study ongoing efforts by companies to reach their connected customers individually.

Can I Do It Myself or Do I Need a Business Lawyer?

Launching a new business involves a lot of red tape and excessive paperwork. It might be tempting to pass those tasks along to a professional, saving you the burden of dealing with complicated legalese. But that practice will get real expensive real quick!

“Over-Welcome” Your New Employees

A CEO friend of mine who manages her one hundred person remote workforce as a virtual company told me her story of how she welcomes new employees as she grows her firm. Strike that. She over-welcomes her new employees.

Supply Chain Management for Small Business

Outsourcing is a great way to expand your small business’s reach in a global marketplace. Whether it’s through apparel supply chain management or other in-house tasks that can be a drain on resources, outsourcing is a way to simultaneously get the job done right while giving yourself the ability to focus on doing what you do best.

4 Big Tips for SMBs to Manage Payroll Like a Big Business

Payroll needs to be right—accurate, on time, compliant with the law. When SMBs act like a big company in this area, they project strength and security to their workforce.

4 Ways to Turn Metrics into Business Strategies

In the bestselling book “Moneyball,” Michael Lewis explains how the Oakland A’s built a winning team using only statistics. Yet more than 10 years after the book’s publication, few organizations follow this example of metrics-driven decision-making.

Managing Customer Service Blunders Professionally

One thing I’ve learned over time… things will definitely go wrong with customers, no matter how much you work to avoid them. The key to small business marketing and branding success is how you professionally manage the blunders.

What to Do When Your Boss Says It’s Time to Innovate

Unfortunately, saying you are innovative before you actually have a culture that knows how to be so—and produces work that truly is—is incredibly destructive because you wind up breaking promises with your staff and with your customers.

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