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SMS Surveys Are No Small Business

Are you making good use of SMS surveys in your business? SMS surveys are an effective way to increase customer satisfaction by learning more about your customer base.

Dealing with Staff Discipline Issues

The one thing that can mar your management efforts are discipline issues from your employees. You can be the best manager in the world, but sometimes your staff will still act out. How you handle it will determine how much these issues affect your business.

How Effective Meetings Will Save You Money

If you ask yourself how much time you have spent in meetings that do not lead to actionable outcomes, you will probably conclude that most of it was a waste of time for your small business.

Don’t Get Complacent!

When any entity becomes dysfunctional, it all boils down to the same root causes: a blame game where nothing gets done, and everyone getting locked into complacency about the way things are.

Why You Should Hire a Courier for Your Business

Doing research about courier services will show you the benefits, and how this service can streamline and help you accomplish more in a day. For those of you wishing for more hours in the week, this may be one way to grant that.

Why Your Company Keeps Killing Big Ideas

Just after speaking at a conference last week, I was approached by a gentleman who introduced himself as a “newly minted and incredibly afraid chief innovation officer.”

This One Quality Distinguishes All Top Performers

My mantra is this: People have to talk to people; we have to share ideas. But it starts with your wanting to ask questions, your being curious so that you can stay ahead of that curve.

Health Insurance Should Be Your Small Business Policy

Health insurance may not be the most important consideration for jobseekers, but it will have a greater effect on their job decisions because of the implementation of Obamacare.

When the Shift Hits the Fan

Your Industry Is Changing. Now What? There comes a time in every business when it becomes apparent that your product, service or business model is no longer relevant.

10 Ways Entrepreneurs Fail Their Way to the Top

Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs seem to prefer to fail their way to the top, rather than do some research and learn from the successes and mistakes of others.

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