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Run and Grow

Everything You Need to Know About Doing Business with Cuba

For a global company, Cuba represents an enticing business opportunity. Thinking of taking advantage of the opportunity to do business in Cuba? Here’s a complete guide to what you need to know.

Making the Customer Feel Special

Aside from being excellent at the technical aspect of what we do (without that, the rest simply won’t matter), to the degree that we provide our customers with the kind of exceptional experience that makes them feel good about themselves, that’s the degree to which we will be untouchable in the marketplace.

How You Can Tackle Workplace Sexism in Your Startup

Tech is very much a boy’s club, and sexism in Silicon Valley is still thriving. How can you be more welcoming, and make your startup part of the solution?

Treat Customers Like They Matter or You Will Lose Them

Too often we get so busy that we forget the simple things. None of the things mentioned would have cost either time or money, yet because they were forgotten, they lost a $3,000 repair bill.

Help Your Employees Grow Through Their Position

When we accept the work commitment from a person we hire, we make a pact with the new employee that often stops at agreeing to pay for service rendered and to provide a safe working environment.

Large Corporations Fail to Innovate Like Startups

The new corporate model is a distributed entrepreneurial model. Customers today demand products and services personalized or tailored to local needs with embedded quality of life services.

A Tale of Two Airlines

Traveling can sometimes be a bit of a nightmare. Can I hear a rousing ‘AMEN’ to that?! As in every service situation, the experience can be made better or worse by the customer service personnel you encounter.

Why Just About Every Single Head of Innovation (Including Me) Should Be Fired

Most innovation officers are brought in to shake things up, and just about all of them are not aggressive enough. Your job is to run in the face of convention.

Customer Service May Rule, But Rules in Customer Service Don’t

Even while on vacation with my family, I can’t help but take note of the customer service—or lack thereof. One resort employee denied a simple request using one of my least favorite phrases:

Employee or Freelancer: Which Does Your Business Need?

These days, having someone who works for your company in your office is less important than it once was. Instead of bringing the most convenient person to your team, you can focus on bringing the right person on board.

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