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Run and Grow
Looking at Global Recruiting Trends
If you’re a startup or small business looking to recruit from the global talent pool in order to grow your business, take a look at this Global Recruiting Trends infographic featuring information from a recent study undertaken by LinkedIn.
Should I Expense This? Business Expenses vs. Personal Expenses
Even the best-intentioned employees can fall into the trap of mixing business expenses and personal expenses. Business expenses are deductible for federal tax purposes.
Fire Employees Wisely, or Pay the Price
Firing an employee is never easy for anyone involved. Not only are there emotional entanglements, there is the potential for legal entanglements – small business owners need to conduct themselves wisely on both accounts.
4 Reasons to Love Complaints
We all know that one person who loves to complain. It feels as though they always have something negative to say about the food, or the service, or whatever they deem sub-par that evening.
Tapping Into Our Creative Mindset By Pushing Past the “No”s
We tend to approach choices in black and white: “A” or “B,”this way or that way. You process choices this way because it’s easier, simpler, and helps you finish this whole decision-making thing quickly.
How to Flood Proof Your Phone System
Recently, Houston has been experiencing a tremendous amount of flooding. River levels are steadily rising. What was once your neighborhood pond is now your neighborhood lake.
Training is not a Cost
I know people are going to think I have lost it when I say training is not a cost, but let me explain. In my mind, training is a profit generator not a cost producer.
Critical Info to Know About Minimum Wage Law in Your Area
As a small business owner, it’s important to pay your employees at or above the legal minimum wage. As you probably know, the minimum wage is the lowest hourly rate that you as an employer can pay your employees.
5 Year Anniversary of Healthcare Reform: 5 Things You Should Know About the ACA
It has been five years since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the ACA) was signed into law. Here are 5 things you should know about some of the key ACA requirements for businesses in 2015:
The Weakest Link of Customer Service
Some of us remember the lady in the long black trench coat who hosted the short lived but interesting television program called ‘The Weakest Link.’ A recent service experience made me think of the title of this show.