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7 Benefits to Offer Employees in Your Small Business

For any small business owner, it’s not easy to find and hire hardworking, dedicated employees. But once you do bring on those diamonds in the rough to help your startup prosper, it’s great to reward your workers for the time and effort they put into their jobs.

Will My Job Be Completely Different Very, Very Soon?

You may have noticed that Napster Moments are happening more and more often. You also may have noticed that many executives don’t see them coming until it is too late.

Don’t Discriminate Against Convicted Felons

Most organizations, both for profit and non-profit, ask the following question on their employment applications: Have you ever plead guilty, or no contest or adjudication withheld?

5 Kinds of Risk in Building Your Business

If you could predict a crisis within your business before its occurrence, wouldn’t you move to prevent or reduce its impact? Making such predictions is a skill that can be developed, and here’s one method of doing so.

How Innovative Does Innovation Need to Be?

When we think of innovation, our minds usually wander back to the great inventions that we believe changed the course of history, or at least the course of commerce.

Don’t Fear Transformation, Fear Irrelevance!

A reader asked how to overcome individuals’ and organizational fear of transformation. My knee jerk reaction was that irrelevance is much more scary than transformation.

3 Key Attributes of Every Great Hire

The success of any company or organization depends almost entirely on its most important resource: its workforce. It is the people who make up an organization who ultimately decide which revenue streams to pursue.

What Small Business Owners Should Know About Maternity Leave Policies

Maternity leave for associates can be a tough issue for a small business. The idea of losing an employee for several weeks—or even months—can be daunting, and may even put the future of the business at risk.

Employment Laws Made Easy for Small Business Owners

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), entrepreneurs must deal with employment laws covering everything from preventing discrimination to posting the correct workplace posters.

When Your Business Outgrows Your Skills

Every person starting a business thinks they will be able to run it no matter what. Whether annual sales are $300,000 or $30 million, they all believe there is no one who could run their business better.

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