Personal Development

Reduce Pet Insurance Premiums to De-stress Your Budget

As a business owner or manager, stress is an unavoidable by-product of your day. So if you’re a pet owner, coming home to the loving comfort of your pet is an essential part of your…

Which MBA Concentration is Right for You as an Entrepreneur?

Getting your MBA is an enormous investment of both time and money. As a business person, you know that it’s only a worthwhile pursuit if you can somehow recuperate those investments. While the stats paint…

All the Right Moves – What to Look For in a Luxury Moving Service

Imagine you are a billionaire entrepreneur or celebrity, and you want to move. Would you hire just any other moving company? Of course, not! You will go for a company that provides estate managers, private…

Selling a Home Fast: 5 Tips to Make it Happen

After living in the same house for many years now, you have finally made the decision to sell your home. Whether you are relocating because you’re starting a business elsewhere, need a bigger place for…

How To Keep The Momentum Going When 1st Starting Out

When you first start a business, you feel motivated and inspired to work as hard as you can to make a success of what you’ve started. Your soul focus is all about keeping the momentum…

a business person signing a document

How to Decorate Your Email Signature in Gmail

Formatting your Gmail email signature, whether with your logo or other personalization, can make it more attractive, user-friendly, and professional. A beautiful email signature includes a logo, as well as an address, website, valuable contact…


5 Ways to Manage Stress While Running a Small Business

A 2022 study revealed that over 40% of small business owners had experienced burnout in the month leading up to the survey. Almost 50% of those polled cited rising inflation rates as the most significant…

a group of middle aged people enjoying a vacation in the snow

Live to Work or Work to Live: Which Would You Choose?

It’s an eternal problem: whether we should suit our life and household to the demands our job dictates, or should we accommodate our job to the desired lifestyle? People always put one’s life or work…

How Beneficial are Internships for Entry-Level Workers?

There are lots of open jobs in the United States right now, but it can be hard to break into a competitive field that will lead to a strong career path over time. Jobs requiring…

How to Prepare for a Career in Sports Administration

It’s no secret that many people want to work in the sports industry. One area where you can build a career is in sports administration. Sports administration can be an engaging and rewarding field to…

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