People Skills

Understanding The Psychology Behind Trusting Remote Workers

If your office has made the transition to remote work, how would you describe it? Chances are you are thinking it was scary at first but it turned out to be no big deal. That’s…

How to Detect a Star Performer

Dave’s business was at that critical stage of growth where he knew he needed to advance some of his employees into manager and leadership roles. But which ones? How do you know that good performers…

4 Top Leadership Tips to Manage Every Type of Team

“Managing a team is one of the coolest jobs in the whole world.” This is something people might say who never have managed a team before because the reality is completely opposite. Team management and…

Remember the FAIRNESS Doctrine to Avoid Lawsuit Threats

Reduce the emotion; reduce the threat of lawsuit. You’ve almost certainly experienced an angry “it’s unfair” outburst from an associate or employee. Usually it’s  just after they’ve learned of an action that they took as…

A Culture of Teamwork Starts at Home

My parents’ example was a lifelong lesson in the most fundamental fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Dad pursued his two passions—religion and education—while always finding ways to keep us fed, clothed, and housed. He never put our…

How to Step Into the Other Person’s Shoes

A big part of becoming a highly-effective, Genuine Influencer, is to be able to understand the other person. After all, when you know what they need, want, and desire, you’re in a much better position…

Do These 6 Practices to Raise Workforce Engagement

Whether you are an entrepreneur managing a startup, or a corporate executive with thousands of employees, it’s hard to ignore the evidence of big value from happy employees. According to a classic study from Deloitte, happy…

Do These 4 Things to Keep Your Remote Team Focused & Happy

As COVID-19 continues to take its toll on our ability to work regularly (among many other things), maximizing productivity in a remote work setting is now essential to keeping many businesses afloat. Even when orders…

If You’re Acting Like a Leader, You Might Just Be a Scrum Master

What comes first to mind when you hear the term, scrum master? It may sound like something related to gaming but trust us; it’s nothing like that. It’s actually a term which is relevant to…

5 Easy Ways to Run a Webinar & Make Money

Webinars are one of the best ways to engage leads and generate sales online. A well-planned webinar, with a good slide deck, can convert between 10%-30% of attendees. That’s a significant conversion rate. On the…

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