5 Things All Great Leaders Do to Create a Culture of Leadership
What’s the secret to creating a culture of leadership that will take your organization forward for years to come? There is no secret—it starts at the top with you. In my experience as a leadership speaker…
9 Eco-Friendly Business Ideas You Should Consider for Your Startup
Eco-friendly businesses are becoming more common. This is because more consumers are demanding that companies behave in a socially responsible way. An eco-friendly business minimizes waste, uses all resources efficiently, and minimizes negative impacts on…
Measure What Matters: Business Metrics
A while back, we explored the business metrics that every business owner and leader should be monitoring to keep their finger on the health of their organization. We dug into the purely financial metrics like lifetime value…
8 Creativity Traits That Will Improve Your Leadership
Starting a new venture is all about being creative, not just in the initial solution, but in tackling the daily challenges of every new and innovative business. In my role as business advisor, I find…
8 Change Leadership Strategies for Sustainable Results
Most change initiatives fail. This is a fact that too few leaders truly understand. Change is never easy. People are resistant to it and people will not just change because you tell them to. All…
How to Be a Good Leader in the Digital Age
Leadership, like everything else in the modern age, just ain’t what it used to be. Everything is “digital” nowadays, but what that means goes beyond the singular devices and processes that we refer to as…
Meet the Navy Veteran Making Waves in 3D Printing
The Arsenal Business & Technology Partnership’s Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) program is a one-stop shop for transitioning service members, veterans, and military spouses looking to start, purchase, or grow a business. VBOC Federal Region…
5 Strategies for Starting 2018 Off Right
About a year ago, I realized I wasn’t spending enough time doing the things I love: hanging out with my kids, surfing, traveling. Life started to feel lousy. I’m a founder of a fast-growing contract…
How to Reduce Workplace Drama and Improve Results
Is it just me in my role as business advisor, or is emotional drama in the workplace increasing? Team members seem to be spending more and more time venting to anyone who will listen about…