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10 Key Components of Every New Venture Strategic Plan

Deciding to be an entrepreneur is a lifestyle move, and should be part of a long-term strategic plan. You shouldn’t be making this decision just because you are mad at your boss, or you would…

Are Your Projections Really Realizable?

Here’s one for the ages. How many times have you projected income and profits only to fall short, and make excuses to those depending upon you to perform? We know the answer of course. Lots…

4 Ways Gym Owners Can Keep Their Staff Happy

Happy gym employees are vital to the success of a fitness facility. When everything is going well with your staff, your business will run smoothly and when they are not, the reverse is usually the…

How Idea People Can Transform into Visionary Leaders

A popular approach for aspiring entrepreneurs these days seems to be to corner anyone who will listen, with a pitch on their current “million dollar idea.” The initial monologue usually ends with the question “How…

5 Things to Consider When Organizing a Team-Building Activity

Are you looking to arrange your next team building activity? Team building days are a fantastic way to enhance team bonding and really get to know your employees. There are many benefits to team building,…

Leading by Example: How to Create Dynamic Leaders in Your Business

As an entrepreneur, your business is like your child… You were there during its creation and you watched it grow and blossom into the successful business it is today. But just like raising a child,…

Real Entrepreneurs Must Make Good Decisions Quickly

Every so often a promising entrepreneur seems to freeze in the oncoming headlights and gets run over by his competition. Why is it that his idea which seemed so fundable only months ago fails to…

7 Steps to Planning a Corporate Team Building Retreat

Employees are an essential part of every company. Therefore, organizations must ensure they stay motivated and energized. How can companies achieve this? A team-building retreat does more than give employees a day off work. They…

Why Holiday Parties Are Important Even for Small Businesses

If you have a small business of fewer than ten employees, you might be tempted to give the office holiday party a miss. Surely these types of celebrations are reserved for big corporations? With all…

Most of Your Big Problems Start as Small Problems

Let’s talk about surprises. And whether to warn your superiors or your boards about these unraveling events early. You have a dashboard or KPI’s, don’t you? Every good executive has a set of critical data…

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