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Managing in Cyberspace

In today’s work environment, it has become a necessity for many businesses to hire employees or independent contractors who take care of their work out of office. Here are a few keys to help employers manage their out-of-office employees effectively.

How to Say “No” With a Smile and Save Your Startup

Entrepreneurs have to know when and how to say ‘no,’ and be good at delivering the message. All startup leaders are besieged with requests for their time, attention, talent, money, or influence, and sometimes even good requests won’t fit into the time and energy you have available.

Refresh Your Enthusiasm for the Job

It is human nature for you and every entrepreneur to fall into a routine of taking care of day to day issues, meetings, communicating with customers and shareholders. But you remember the thrilling days when everything was newer, each decision an event, each milestone something to be celebrated.

6 Ways Entrepreneurs Become Great Problem Solvers

The real entrepreneurs I know are good at overcoming both people problems and business obstacles, and get satisfaction from the challenge. Some people think this is a talent that you must be born with, but experts disagree. You can definitely train yourself to be a problem solver, if you haven’t already.

6 Ways to Cultivate Creativity in Your Company

The startup scene today is an overcrowded space where companies are constantly vying for talent. But hiring talented people is only the first step in cultivating an innovative and creative environment. Building a workplace where there is a constant exchange of ideas involves finding the right formula for your company and culture.

Is This the Future of Education and Learning?

The knowledge economy rewards those that are willing to make their own path and invest in constant learning and education. The changes to how business and life works have been more revolution than evolution as information has moved online.

Coaching for Better Performance

Coaching is one skill that managers should practice on a continual basis, as it has become so much more important in recent times. With fewer staff members and a sustained emphasis on reducing costs, managers are being challenged to coax the best possible performance out of everyone on their team.

5 Ways Courageous Leadership Evokes Action and Engagement

Courageous leaders set the tone for organizational performance. When leaders establish themselves as a strong and courageous personality they set the tone for the rest of the company and shape the overall culture.

Essential Elements When Framing Organizational Change

A critical element of initiating a successful change initiative is communicating that change is a normal and positive function of doing business—it is a key factor in a company’s ability to remain relevant and differentiate from competitors and grow year over year.

Creative Job Titles Help Create and Define Corporate Culture

Some companies have chosen to label their employees something other than employees. They call them team members, associates or other more endearing and personalized names and titles. With a little creativity, you can come up with a title for your employees, or even specific jobs, that can have a positive effect on the culture and experience that both the employees and your customers have with your organization.

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