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Essential Elements When Framing Organizational Change
A critical element of initiating a successful change initiative is communicating that change is a normal and positive function of doing business—it is a key factor in a company’s ability to remain relevant and differentiate from competitors and grow year over year.
Creative Job Titles Help Create and Define Corporate Culture
Some companies have chosen to label their employees something other than employees. They call them team members, associates or other more endearing and personalized names and titles. With a little creativity, you can come up with a title for your employees, or even specific jobs, that can have a positive effect on the culture and experience that both the employees and your customers have with your organization.
We Misunderstand Lean—But It Is So Important!
Lean has huge traction in about every part of organizations except for sales and marketing. But if you really understand Lean, it becomes compelling for sales and marketing, purely because of the clarity, focus, and simplicity it drives.
Dumbing Things Down Versus Radical Simplification
Our worlds are too complex; we seem to keep piling things onto everything we’ve done in the past. Too often, however, in response to this complexity and all the “tools” that have been put in place to manage it, instead of seeking simplification we dumb things down.
3 Ways to Support People in High Performance Environments
Consistently challenging your team and setting the bar high is only effective if you have the proper support in place. Failure to have a level of support that matches your expectations will not only make it difficult for individuals to meet their targets, it will also create an unnecessary source of stress internally.
4 Leadership Behaviors That Build High Performance Work Environments
Successful companies understand that achieving success is about addressing larger culture issues within the organization. Getting your organizational culture right is what leads to building a high performance work environment. This starts with leadership.