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Many Entrepreneurs Over-Think or Under-Think Issues

While technology and the Internet allow you to act and react more quickly than ever before, you need more than ever to consider decisions reflectively before making them. In addition to solving problems the right way, make sure you are solving the right problems.


During the first couple of years in business, you will constantly be challenged with the bicycle pedals of motivation and discipline. When motivation wanes, discipline must kick in to keep the bicycle moving. Some of the best leaders and managers in business don’t achieve peak results because they simply don’t execute the plan.

6 Simple Ways Your Business Can Be More Environmentally Friendly

Green is in. You can’t do business in today’s world without being frowned upon for not making an effort to be environmentally friendly. Being eco-conscious is not only chic, but it’s ethically, morally, and often financially beneficial.

How to Make Sure Your Startup is Built on Values

Strategy matters, but without a winning culture and the right values to drive it forward, your strategy will take you nowhere. Good leaders matter, but you need a positive values culture in order to attract the best leaders to compete effectively.

Long Term Focus for Small Business

As a small business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of an average day. Especially when work piles up in and around the office, entrepreneurs don’t always take the time to consider the long term impact of what they’re doing. Here are a few things to keep in mind that will help you promote the long term success of your business when the going gets tough.

The Four Questions Great Leaders Ask

Ever notice how great leaders ask the best questions? A masterful leader will sit Yoda-like in a meeting, listening intently to the dialogue and then, with Zen Master timing, ask a question that will change the tenor, the focus and the performance of the entire team.

10 Ways to Develop a Mastery Mindset

In today’s world of hacks, shortcuts, and instant money-making blueprints, I think we have lost appreciation for slow-brewing mastery in our work. Here are ten ways to develop a mastery mindset.

When Should You Fire an Employee

As a small business owner, you can’t afford to take risks when it comes to hiring the right employees. Sometimes, however, you make a mistake and you hire someone who you shouldn’t have. When is it time to fire this employee?

How to Retain Employees

High turnover is not uncommon in small business, but it is expensive. Most small businesses cannot afford to constantly hire and let go of employees. Having a dedicated staff is one aspect of a successful company that should not be overlooked.

4 Ways to Make Your Employees Happy

One way to grow your business, apart from having a great product or service, is to have employees who love working for you. While you might not be able to offer the same benefits package as most large corporations, there are more slick ways you can go about seeking your employees’ favor without breaking into the budget.

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