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Building Consensus as a Manager
Having an empowered staff is so important for every organization. An empowered staff feels some responsibility for all the business decisions, and managers should be encouraging this in as many ways as possible—especially with Millennials.
What Bouncing Back from 3 Lost Super Bowls Taught Me About Celebrating Failure
I failed. As a quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings, I failed three times—first against the Miami Dolphins, then against the Pittsburgh Steelers and finally against the Oakland Raiders. Three Super Bowls played, but not a championship ring in sight.
What Is Causing Your Project Failure?
There are various combinations of mistakes contributing to all project failures. While each project fails for its own reason, failed projects share many of the same pitfalls and mistakes. The following are some of the most common reasons project leaders experience failure:
Effective Small Executive Retreats: Checklist for Successful Discussions
Currently you are working on a company project which requires your undivided attention, and too many distractions with an unfocused team is halting the project.
The Last 100 Days
When you subtract weekends and holidays, there are about 100 business days remaining in 2014. Any way you look at it, the clock is ticking and you may have less time than you thought to accomplish the things you set out to achieve in January.
So You Have a Ton of Big Data, Now What?
Collecting, storing, and managing big data can be an invaluable asset for a business; however the thought of analyzing a copious amount of data—even if it does reveal a hidden company gem—can appear to be an exhausting, time-consuming, and repetitive process.
How to Write Emails That Will Be Read
Running a small business is always connected with extensive email communication, which include—on the sender side—mainly distributing offers and strict business-to-business dealings. The question is how to make electronic correspondence interesting enough to be read by a potential customer or business partner. Here are a few tips.
Zappos: A Business Model You Can Learn From
Zappos is known for shoes and a very liberal return policy, but I think every type of business can learn something from its unique corporate culture.