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It’s About Time!
Enterprise time, as opposed to personal time management, is defined as the sum total of resources available to a company expressed in terms of time – time to develop, to debug, to produce, to deploy, to respond to issues, and to make changes in plans that are not working.
3 Things Great Leaders Gain from Failure
Sometimes you have to fail in order to win. While this may seem counterproductive, mistakes can actually serve as life-changing experiences.
How Weak Leadership Impacts Customer Loyalty
Customer experience is foundational to the success of your organization. As a customer experience expert, and as a customer myself, I have seen my fair share of customer experiences ranging from exceptional to downright disturbing.
5 Things You Should Do for Your Business Before Year’s End
With the holidays just around the corner, it’s easy to overlook those end-of-the-year tasks that you need to take care of. That’s why right now, you need to pay attention to these five things and mark them off your list before December 31.
Moments of Truth: Critical Moments That Allow for Transformation
Change is directly related to what is currently happening on a daily basis within your organization, and leaders need to communicate change at the right time and in a way that will make it clear how change will impact team members.
4 Success Strategies I Took from the NFL to My Business
If football taught me anything about business, it’s that you win the game one play at a time. It’s an analogy I’ve used in the past. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, I face many of the same challenges I did on the field and I use similar strategies for tackling them.
6 Ways for Leaders to Create Organizational Change
How you approach change is just as important as what you want to change in your organization. If you want to be a transformative leader and create long lasting organizational change, you need to approach it in a way which minimizes negative reactions, is aligned with business strategies and corporate cultures, and is inclusive in nature.
How Strong Performance Can Mask Issues in the Future
The truth is strong performance can actually mask issues if you are not careful, which can come back and bite you in the future. This is why leaders need to stay sharp and keep their foot on the gas to ensure that today’s good performance leads to tomorrow’s exceptional performance.
Doing Persuasion Right
We often see people say and do things when attempting to persuade that bring them the very opposite results they desire. They’ll argue, plead, beg or scream before finally walking away in anger and frustration.