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Make Adequate Thinking Time a Priority

Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in private and public life have been the consequence of action without thought. ~Bernard Baruch Warren Buffet spends about 80%…

14 Inspiring Habits of Successful Digital Entrepreneurs

I was sitting at the desk overlooking the beach. It could have been Boracy, Bali or Byron Bay. The website traffic was looking good and the digital marketing funnel was fine tuned. The next email…

The Lean Business Plan as Dashboard and GPS

What if you own a business, you’re not a startup, and you don’t have to generate a traditional business plan to show to a bank or an investor: would you still want a business plan?…

Listening: Now That’s a Thought

Received a telephone call from a company doing a survey: Me: Hi, this is Bob. Caller: Is Bob there? Me: Th…this is Bob. Good morning. Caller: I’m doing a survey regarding children and television. Do you have any children…

5 Expectations Your Team Has for You as a Leader

Leaders help create powerful, cohesive teams that enable organizations to achieve their targets. Part of being a great leader is understanding what the members of your team expect from you. By understanding their expectations you…

5 Steps to Increase Productivity and Initiative

Taking more initiative at work isn’t always easy, especially when you get into a groove and a comfortable schedule. However, if you’d like to work your way up the corporate ladder, or you’re already there…

How to Invest in Your Staff When You’re a Small Business

For a small business to truly thrive, hiring the right group of employees is crucial. But today it’s simply not enough. Shaping your employees into a winning team takes more than finding the right crew…

Make Sure Your Strategic Plan Has an Implementation Plan

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” -Alexander Graham Bell I have helped a myriad of firms with their strategic planning. These firms know the importance of this process and our willing to…

7 Surprising Reasons to Hire an Executive Coach

Hiring an executive coach is a big decision. Let’s face it: we typically don’t come cheap. But the transformations that can occur as a result of hiring an executive coach can be profound. Here are seven surprising…

Great Company Culture Essential to Success

The Internet has had two very interesting, and important, impacts on small businesses. First, it has lowered the barrier to entry for entrepreneurs and second it has raised the bar for customer service. If you…

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